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I feel like i've been walking forever, it's probably been an hour since we've left the prison. I managed to escape because the lurkers were worried about the mp's shooting at them, giving me a chance to slip through the tent and out of the prison. Dark gray clouds form in the sky and a cold breeze blows through.'s going to rain soon. While carrying Ellie through a forest like area, full of tall trees. Ellie has been asleep for a while now, i sigh. Where do i go? I'm practically wandering around. Both of my legs ache and start to trembling. Between Ellie's weight and mine, it adds unwanted pressure onto my right leg which was shot last night. I don't know where to go or what to do. As i continue walking my legs grow heavier and heavier, I need to stop. I scan the area which is nothing but an endless row of trees. "What about there.." I mumble softly to myself and walk over to an empty patch with nothing but dirt. I carefully lay Ellie onto the ground and plop down next to her. My legs are so sore. The soft rumbling of thunder echos throughout the woods. This is going to suck. I'm in the middle of nowhere with a wounded leg, limited supplies, and a girl who is breaking down. I'm starting to doubt my own survival, i don't think i'll last very long. I look down at Ellie. How am i going to keep her from getting soaked from the rain? I can tell surviving isn't going to be easy..

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