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I walked over to Ben and looked down at him, "Is it alright if I sit with you?" Ben looked over at me and smiled softly, making his sapphire eyes light up a bit. "Of course." I sat down across from him and handed him his backpack. "what're you thinking about?" Ben looked at me with a serious expression. "Did you see or hear anyone or anything when we were in the woods?" I shook my head, "No..not that i know of..why..?" "I think we're being followed." My heart jumped a bit at the thought of being followed. "Why do you say that?" "Don't you think it's weird that a huge horde of lurkers jumped out at us in the middle of a storm out of nowhere? We didn't make any huge sounds at all, if anything we were dead quiet. Plus there was someone following us, or else i wouldn't have seen a water bottle on the ground right behind the horde." "You think someone is following us because a water bottle..?" "Well i just walked passed that area and i would have noticed the water bottle, plus there was a piece of green material caught between one of the lurkers teeth." The way he thinks about every detail amazes me, he really takes in every piece of data he can find and create an answer. "That's just a thought though, i could be wrong.." I move a small piece of cardboard out of the way so i could peek outside. Maybe Ben is over thinking..I mean who wants to follow us..? We didn't do anything. A woman walks over to us with folded clothes in her hands. "Hello, i'm Shannon and i bet you two are freezing since you soaking wet from the rain so here's an extra pair of clothes." She hands Ben a neatly folded stack then me. "Thank you." Both me and Ben thank her for the clothes, she smiles softly and walks off. "I'm going to change." I said while standing up and walking into the girls restroom. While unfolding the stack i look at my new wardrobe. A long black sleeved shirt and jeans. I change out of my wet clothes and into the new ones. Surprisingly they fit perfectly, well the jeans are a little loose but other than that everything is fine. I hang up my wet clothes and walk out to the booth Ben and i were sitting at, but Ben is gone. He probably left to go change his clothes.

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