Chapter 31 Ben, INSANITY

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I heard a soft chuckle beside me as I closed my eyes, hands wrapped around my throat bit without a grip. "You are pathetic, you let me die because you were scared. Your own little sister had to be the real man and try, even then I still died. It's your fault i'm dead." I felt a smile form on my lips, "You're right.." "I know I am. You lost everything because of your mistakes. Things don't happen because of "fate", consequences happen because of every mistake you let pile up form an outcome. Because you were weak, because you were scared, I went alone outside and died." "I'm sorry.." I smiled and laughed a bit as tears streamed down my face, "I'm sorry..!" My heart throbbed and ached, my head was racing with numerous insults and words. I felt my back sting with pain, blood ran down my wrists as I struggled to break free. The numerous insults Travis shouted out to me echoed throughout my head. "But if you finally stand up and destroy Travis, I'll forgive you.." My eyes shot open, destroy..? I felt blood rush through my veins as I remembered what this sick life had to offer, everything precious was stripped from me, everyone in school picked on me and insulted me, people began rising from the dead and attacking each other. I smiled and laughed even more as I remember Travis's favorite quote, "Torture is the best way to teach a human being." Over and over these words echoed in my mind, I shook my head to try to forget it but they would come back and it was as if someone was shouting this in my ears. My eyes widened once I realized I was repeating it myself. "I need to get out of here!!" I screamed as I began hyperventilating, I looked around the room trying to find someway to escape. I yelled out and started tugging at the barb wire cuffs, blood streamed down my arms as I sliced my hands but I didn't care, "Escape! Destroy!" I pulled down hard numerous times, and with one final pull I scraped tons of skin off of my hands and wrists, blood covered them. I smiled wide and laughed uncontrollably, "I'm free!" I slowly stood up, blood dripped off of my back and hands onto the floor, as I walked the nails shoved in my toes gently tapped against the ground, with a grin I knew what I was going to do. I opened a storage locker kept in the corner of the room in search of a weapon and found my backpack inside, I opened it and grinned as I pulled out my new weapon from inside. "heh."

Travis's POV

I found the source of the bang, some stupid pots fell over, ugh! I growled in frustration and walked back to the torture chamber, as I opened the doors it was pitch black. The door slowly closed shut and creaked, I squinted and grabbed the small flashlight I kept in my pocket and used it to look around. I walked over to the whip stool, my eyes widened once I realized Ben was gone. Blood and skin covered the barb wire, small puddles formed under each cuff as blood slowly dripped onto the floor. I quickly turn around, "Ben?!" I grabbed a scalpel off of the tray and walked over towards these storage lockers I had in the corner of the room. I slowly opened each locker, waiting for him to just jump out. After opening each one I head a quiet chuckle behind me. As I turned around my heart froze.

Ben's POV

"Found you." I whispered as Travis turned around with widened eyes. I slammed his head into a locker while laughing, he groaned and slowly stood up, in my head I repeated over and over, "destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy!" Travis kicked me in the leg, I smiled as I grabbed onto his foot and yanked him out of the locker and dragged him across the ground, he stabbed me right in the hand with a scalpel. I winced and immediately let go, I gripped onto the scalpel and yanked it out of my hand. Travis stood up and ran over to a couple of battery operated lanterns and turned each on of them on to give him light to see me better. I slowly walked towards him, the nails scraped against the floor. "Get away from me you monster!" I smiled and tackled him, "This is your fault!" I shouted as I pulled out a syringe from my pocket which was full of Midazolam, I kept them from when Ellie and I were at the quarantine. I took the cap of and quickly got ready to stab it into Travis's arm but he quickly grabs my wrist and holds onto it. I pushed down harder against his force and stabbed it into his arm and pushed all of the fluids into him. Travis shouted from the pain he got from the needle, I sat on his waist and gripped onto his throat. I lifted him up by his throat and smashed his head against the floor over and over, "This. Is. Your. Fault!!" He shoved me off of him and started gasping for air, I gripped onto two nails in my toes and yanked them out with a trembling hand. I tackled Travis again and shoved each nails into his left eye, he thrashed around screaming in pain as blood gushed from his eye and trailed down his face as if he were crying blood. I quickly walked over and grabbed a hammer from the metal tray and walked over to Travis as he struggled to hold onto dear life. He looked up at me in anger and tried to hit me but I dodged his punch, I smashed the hammer into his arm as he swung at me. He yelled out and clutched onto his arm tightly, "Torture is the best way to teach a human begin." I mumbled to him, loud enough so he could hear. I grabbed another syringe and jabbed it into his collarbone and pushed the fluids into him. Over an over I jabbed the empty syringe into his knocked out body. Each time I stabbed him I shouted out in anger. "Ben, stop!" I ignored the familiar voice and continued to attack Travis. Die just die!

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