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I struggle to get out of the bindings on the chair, Travis had left the room a couple of hours ago to do something which gave me limited time to try to escape. I'm really worried, I can't stop thinking about the group..Travis dragged each of them out of the room with him and like I said before, they haven't been back for hours. I pull against the thick leather straps hoping to just make them break, but no matter how hard I hope nothing works..what do i do now..?

Ellie's POV

I slowly open my eyes to the sound of sobbing, "Why..? Why did he do this?! How can he do something like this?!" I don't remember that voice or really anything. I remember going to the back of the bar and then..someone grabbed me and covered my mouth with a cloth but that's it. I wiggle around and luckily my blindfold slides off, I look over to find a little girl sitting in the corner, crying and trembling. I try to move my arms and legs but they're tied together with thick rope and the more I pull on them I can feel it rubbing off my skin which causes me to wince from pain. I struggle to get the cloth off of my mouth so I can talk but its tied tight. I slowly sit up and get a better view of the girl, she has short brown hair and brown eyes which are somewhat red and puffy from crying so much. She looks at me with blood on her face and clothes with widened eyes, she scoots further into the shadows of the corner in an attempt to get away from me. I look over behind me and notice the whole group is tied up just like I am, they all slowly wake up and move around. "He's going to kill us all.." I look back at the little girl as she talks, "That man is horrible..h-he killed my mommy and daddy!" She hugs her knees tightly and sobs. I yell out to the little girl but the cloth muffles it, she looks over at me as tears stream down her face, "W-What..?" I motioned my head to my hands and legs, trying to untie me. She slowly scoots over to me and unties the rope and takes the cloth off my mouth, "Better...?" I smile softly, "Yes, thank you very much." As I help everyone else out of their bindings I glance over at the little girl, "How long have you been here?" I was worried because her skin was somewhat pale and she was really thin. "Maybe a couple of weeks now..that man just brings more and more people like you and..he hurts them..he killed my mommy and daddy because they tried to protect me.." She sniffles and struggles to hold her tears back. "What the hell is going on here?" Smitty complains as he stands up and stretches. Jacob and Charlie stretch as well and help Mike, Shannon, and James off the ground. I kneel down next to the little girl and try to calm her down, "I'm Ellie, what's your name?" She sniffles and looks up at me, "M-Maria.." "Maria huh? That's a beautiful name." I smile softly at her, "Maria, we need to get out of here. Have you seen a boy somewhere around my age? He has blue eyes and black hair, he's a friend of ours and well he's not with us..his name is Ben." She shakes her head 'no'. Mike smashes his shoulder against the door in a attempt to break it down, "Jacob, Charlie, get your asses over here and help me bust the door down!" Jacob and Charlie slam against the door as well. How are we going to escape?

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