Chapter 9 Ben, DARK SECRETS

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I quickly wake up while breathing heavily and clearly trembling. Sweat ran down my forehead as my heart pounded against my chest. I sighed heavily and sat up. I was so shaken up about my nightmare i almost ignored the fact that the sunlight burned my eyes causing me to wince and rub them. It's a new day and so far i'm alive. I slip out of bed and grab my backpack. Thankfully everything is still inside. With a yawn i leave my cell and began looking around. I soldiers dragging covered bodies out of the huge tent out front. Where there lurkers at the fence last night? Whatever happened, the military seems to have it under control now. I slip away from the scene and walk around, examining the area. I notice a sectioned off piece which is guarded by four soldiers. I walk up to one of them, "What's this sectioned area for?" One of the soldiers look at me "Look kid, this isn't an area to be playing around in. It's extremely dangerous." I nod, knowing it's no use to argue with mp's. Before walking away i notice one of the soldiers have claw marks on his face, fresh marks. While taking notes of his appearance i walk off, taking a glance back at that area. What are they hiding and why are they hiding it? What's so dangerous? I have a really bad feeling about staying here.. I'll take whatever i can get, eat whatever i can and leave either today or tomorrow.

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