#3 Devil Is Stubborn

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(Credit goes to rightful owner)

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(Credit goes to rightful owner)

The news of his father returning back from his business trip irritated Jungkook. It's not like he is not happy and hated his father's presence or he have any personal grudge against him. The only thing which the brunette doesn't appreciate is the continuous nagging of his father for hiring someone to take care of him.

I mean are you fucking serious? For god's sake he is twenty four years old. The boy can take care of himself. Having someone around him every second is fucking annoying. He can't bear nagging, someone controlling him, telling him every second what he have to do,it triggers his anger and he himself don't know what will he do once he loses his temper. For fuck's sake he is the king,the devil, everything should be under his control not him under someone's.

"He is a king who rule on himself and on this world too!"

Even for once he will never let anyone rule on himself.

"Jeon Jungkook,my son! How are you?"
Mr Jeon proudly stated engulfing the coming boy into his arms. There was smile of satisfaction,on his face after all the man is seeing his son after so many months.

Jungkook also wrapped his arms around his father's figure with a warm look,as whatever happens the respect and love the boy have for his father will never fade,as this man is now his only family. The only person for whom devil is soft is his father only.

"As always doing good. What about you father? Is there someone caused you any type of trouble?"
They pulled away from hug and weaved their ways towards sofa. Once they settled Mr Jeon signal taehyung to take a seat,who nodded with a small smile and sit at a small distance from them. While Jungkook's gaze was still fixed on his father.

"You still didn't answered me dad. Or Are you intentionally ignoring me? Tell me the truth."
Jungkook demanded in an intimating cold tone,which low-key shivered down Taehyung's spine. The boy gulp down his saliva in fear. While this doesn't affected Mr Jeon even one percent.

Infact the man did a daring act of rolling his eyes over the devil's words.
"Oh drop your this devil personality with me. I am not your enemy with whom you are behaving like this. Act like son or are you actually thinking me as your enemy?"

At end Mr Jeon fake gasped. He mentally smiled wickedly noticing the bored and done look on his son's face, telling him that he get successful in his attempt to make his son irritated.

"Are you done with your nonsense dad?"
Jungkook said feeling annoyed by his father's kid behaviour. Sometimes he wonder is his father is actually an adult? He don't think so. Sometimes his father's words make him to not trust this fact.

"Nevermind! How can I forgot my son is not  normal."
Jungkook didn't reacted. It's normal for him to listen this statement once in a while. He  just kept sitting there with a emotionless face. Like he have nothing to show.

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