#36 Meet up in mall

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Sleeping peacefully in her bed,Y/n was cradling a pillow close to her chest. The first beam of sunlight hit her face causing the girl to stir in her sleep. She was close to doze off again when her mobile placed on nightstand starts to ring and this time she groaned loudly.

"Ugh, who the hell is calling?"
Picking up her mobile phone she attend the call without looking at the caller id.

"What the hell do you want at this early Jeon? Can't you let me sleep in peace for once?"

"Jeon? It's me y/n,zuho." The girl jerked awake from her peaceful slumber. The once droopy eyes of her are now wide open.

"Who is Jeon,y/n?" The girl can do nothing but face palm herself. How could she do this?

(A/n:- Who read it as Jeon Y/n🌝)

"Uh,Zuho haha oh good morning." The boy on the other side of phone couldn't stop a chuckle bubbling through his throat as he heard how adorable she sounds being nervous.

"Good morning,what's popping?" A cheerful Zuho asked. "Nothing man, I was sleeping and you disturbed me." She replied lazily and yawned.

"Oops, sorry not sorry."
"Ugh,what was even I expecting?" Zuho laughed loudly, unable to help himself. "As you are already awake, choose a nice dress and get yourself ready."

"For what?" Y/n asked stifling a huge yawn. "I am taking you somehwere so
miss professional inquisitior of my life stop inquiring and get your lazy ass down from bed. I'll there in half an hour. You better don't me make wait for you." With all this the call got cut from other side.

"Aish, Not after ruining my peaceful sleep." The girl once again snuggles herself into warm blankets. A manly cologne pierced through her nostrils and she feel it passing to her chest, providing her a sense of comfort. As like a greedy child she snuggled her face more into the pillow, too drowsy to question the fact of an unfamiliar cologne on her bed.


"Hi, sorry for......what the hell!" Coming out of her car she was about to apologize for her late appearance but what surprising happened was Zuho turning around before getting inside car, not even acting bothered to hear her.

"You didn't just ignored me?" She says with a dejected look. Zuho give her a side eye before turning his face away from her who is now somehow looks offended.

"Ok I admit I was a little bit late no... "
"A little bit? You sure?" Zuho cutted her off.

"I was just some minutes... "
"Minutes?" He croaked with one eyebrow raised.

"Fine, forgive me for taking an hour. Now can you please drop these cold guy look, it seriously doesn't suits you." Y/n face was like she is done with this boy. On the other hand, seeing her looking so pissed Zuho slightly laughed.

"Miss y/n learn to accept your mistakes. People are not that kind hearted to forgive easily." Y/n shook her head at this. "There are."

"Really! I don't think so."
"If you don't wants to believe then it's alright. But when I say there are people who can forgive you easily just because you means so much to them then it's a fact." Y/n says looking outside gloomily.

"I'll pretend that I never saw that offensive act only because it was you."

"If you say so. By the way are you ready to have some fun? How about doing a little shopping first?"



Right now both of them are in shopping mall and are wandering around,holding hands and undoubtedly it was Zuho who wants to hold hands and y/n has no reason to deny.

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