#34 Let Go

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Double update 👀and let's cry later 🤧

Y/n was sitting there silently. It was an anxious moment as she waited for Jungkook to come down. Her patience was worn out by loud sounds of footsteps. She lifted her head and there he was Jeon Jungkook climbing down stairs in his all glory.

"I didn't make you wait too long, did I?" He questions in a low,montone voice. "It's absolutely fine." Y/n passed a small smile but no expression could be seen on his blank face. He gestures her to take a seat.

"So why did you called me here?" Y/n decides to lead the conversation. Not seeing each other since from three days turned things awkward between them, especially for her. "Exactly half an hour later I have a meeting to attend. So without wasting your and mine time, I'll clearly say my intentions to you." He spoke in a professional tone. He is acting like he is dealing with a stranger and it troubled her.

"Go ahead!" He stare at her with his blank eyes and spoke up. "I am sure miss y/n you are already aware about the fact that before assigning you as my caretaker dad must have talked about a contract. It's common for us. Whoever works with me or for me have to sign a contract before joining his/her duty or work. You can basically call it a kind of ritual people have to perform before submitting themselves to devil." Corners of his lips lifted up, forming a evil grin.

"Yeah, Mr Jeon your father informed me about it and before joining I'd signed a contract with him." Y/n said agreeing with him.

"Perfect,so do you remember what actually was written in it?" He adjusted his body comfortably on the big sofa. "Umm nothing much just my duties were mentioned inside it and some guidelines which I'd to follow."

"You sure this is what all it said miss y/n?" He remarked with his raised left brow. "It would be great if you try to clear your point Mr Jeon because I don't think any of us has time to waste." She didn't wanted to act rude but also she was unable to articulate meaning behind his mysterious words

"It would be great for both of us." Jungkook chuckled at her forthrightness. "With pleasure, miss." His way of looking reminds her of the day when they both first had met. Just like that day she was unable to read his eyes. The same mysterious dark gaze.

"Taehyung!" His commanding voice vibrated in his secretary's ears who was standing next to him,alerting his senses. "Yes boss!"

"Open the file in your hand and read it loud make sure Miss Y/n don't miss any word." Y/n was unable to point his intentions. What this mafia is upto? "From where I should start boss? " Taehyung gulped receiving a knowing glare from his boss. "Guess I'll cover up every single word."

The boy share a glance with y/n and a two second glance was enough to print her desperation in his eyes. With no delay he starts to read every single word written on the white page in a loud and clear voice. Y/n was attentively hearing him oblivious of a devil's attention on her.

Taehyung initiates by reading out some points related to her work and few guidelines. As he was getting near to the end of contract and reading terms and conditions related to cancellation and termination of contract ,beads of sweat starts to form on y/n's forehead. Sweaty palms and rapid movement of legs was denoting her nervousness.

As soon as taehyung finished reading he got dismissed by his boss the next second with Jungkook telling to leave the file here.

Her heart was hammering and the loud sound of beats break through the walls of her chest and now is exploding into the silence. She lifted her eyelashes to look at him. Opposite to him he was calm and was actually her state. "This can't happen, you are framing me now."

The rich, throaty chuckle he release got successful in overpowering her low whispering sound. And how am I framing you? Can you explain?" There was no response from her side. "What happened Miss y/n? Clarify yourself or you can do better by accepting truth rather than commenting these baseless points." His eyebrow raised in amazement seeing him glaring at him with those fierce eyes.

"Still stubborn."His head tilted to side.
"Why are you doing this?" Y/n spoke up. "Look if you are doing all this just to take revenge because I didn't accepted your feeling then it's absolutely ridiculous." She exclaimed ponting her finger towards him. Meanwhile Jungkook bursted into laugh as her words appeared nothing but a funny joke to her.

"Woah,woah,calm down lady. From where did this came from? I am telling you all these things because once you used to be my caretaker.You are same as other workers don't think yourself different from others because you are not." His aura changed. "And everyone are equal when it's about rules.So need to correlate it with something you don't give a shit about." She stare at him with her moist eyes. His words were like a poisonous dagger for her heart.

"Don't tell me you are still stuck on that?" She looked down while Jungkook dryly laughed. "My madness doesn't deserve your precious time miss y/n so come out from your this bubble because I am
not expecting anything, anymore." He emphasized.

Y/n get up from her place to leave. It's suffocating and more than anything his words are impacting her in so many ways. "I didn't allowed you to leave." His cold voice resonates around as she feel him coming towards her. "We still have to deal with this matter."

"J-jungkook please let me go." He turned her around by her shoulders and look into her teary eyes. "Not before you settle this contract. Don't you wanna be free from me completely? This is you wanted right? " The words rolled out from his tongue bitterly.

Y/n whimpers feeling vulnerable. He harshly jerked her back and looked into other direction. He handed her the file and pen. "Sign on it so that I will be assured that you won't turn away from this penalty and will actually pay the amount of money mentioned in here as a penalty for cancelling the contract before its due date." She grabs it from his hold with her shaky hand. Her blurry vision and vulnerable condition didn't allowed her to read what's written in there.

After signing it she hands the file back to him. "Go!" This was enough for the girl to move away from him and that's how their path splited.

He throw the file away and covered his face in order to hide his vulnerability from the word even though he was standing alone there. Everything related to her is burned into the back of his mind like a tattoo.

He did let her go.

Is this is the end of both of them?
But the devil didn't get whom he desired. So is this really the end?

Hope you enjoyed reading it 🤩do share your opinions and vote.

Bish this song is a masterpiece 😭le me listening this when I am in my periods and I swear my hormones and emotions both are on high level right now 🤧

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Bish this song is a masterpiece 😭le me listening this when I am in my periods and I swear my hormones and emotions both are on high level right now 🤧

Bish this song is a masterpiece 😭le me listening this when I am in my periods and I swear my hormones and emotions both are on high level right now 🤧

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Happy birthday to our handsome leader. A person who made BTS and taught us to learn ourselves. We will keep Appreaciting his efforts and his beautiful way of correlating lyrics with life.  Our genius leader, thank you for being born 💚🤧

Good night💚

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