#32 Mafia Seeking Warmth

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Next day when Jungkook woke up he was suffering from a severe headache,eyelids heavy and and a sore throat. Ignoring his aching body and despite feeling fatigue and weak Jungkook get up from bed. He came out of washroom after his shower, with towel wrapped around his lower half. 

Within in few minutes he was standing in front of mirror after putting up a pair of clothes on his body. After setting his hairs perfectly he inhaled a deep breath and look at his reflection giving it a firm nod.

He needs to talk but this time without losing his control. He admit his absurd behaviour after thinking all night. He shouldn't have talked to her like that. Not like he could blame her for already having someone in her life, it's him who fall for her. 

On the other side y/n is having her breakfast with her family. After what happened last night she doesn't wants to stay in the mansion. So in morning she left early. She informed yuna about her early departure as there is no way she can talk to Jungkook after all the mess. 

Mr and Mrs Shin got worried seeing their daughter so silent. Her early arrival was confusing too then her not talking to them and just barging inside her room was concerning for them. She never had behaved like this before. 

"Y/n,are you okay dear? Is there something which is bothering you?"
Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and look at her mother. She forgot where she is actually.

"No eomma there is nothing like that, just tired." Not to worry them she plastered a fake smile. Mr and Mrs shin didn't take it as they can see how fake their daughter's smile was. 

Nonetheless,they didn't questioned further as none of them wants to pressurize her in any way.
"You sure?" Her dad asked.

"Of course appa, don't worry." She assured. Deep inside she felt bad too for not telling them her problems. But then it's not something normal to share and who knows in what way they will react. 

"Are you free today?" Her mother asked.

"Yup, why?" Mrs Shin shares a glance with her husband.

"Ab actually I wants you to come with me somewhere."

"Where?" Y/n asked confused.
"I'll tell you later." She muttered a small okay in return.

Y/n don't think she will be able to continue working for Jungkook after last night incident. The madness she witnessed in his eyes was purely insane. 

But then, madness defines love pretty well.

"The wild attraction I feel towards you is driving me crazy and make me do insane things.....can't help."

"I am gonna snatch you from this world in the same way you dared to stole my heart against it's will and that too without your permission."

And his words defines madness of love pretty well. 

She sucked in air, feeling goosebumps and tingles erupt all over her skin.

Mobile ringing sound savoured the heavy silence.  Mrs shin relieved the call and look at y/n.

"Y/n where is your phone?"
"Phone!" A slight flashback of Jungkook smashing her phone against wall crosses her mind. 

"Mom actually I accidentally broke my phone." "It's ok dear, you can use mine but first take this, he wants to talk to you." Mrs shin said handing her mobile phone to her daughter.

"Excuse me!" Y/n left her spot. 

"You are getting flustered like its your first time talking to him." At her mother's teasing y/n got more flustered. This happens everytime whenever her fiance dial on her parent's mobile phone. But it's not big deal for them.

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