#50 Bottled up Emotions

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And I get the feelin' that you'll never need me again

Zuho was pacing back and forth, anxiously waiting. He would've punched hard only if he wasn't a freaking mafia. Soon, he saw jungkook descending down the stairs,alone.

Upon seeing that jungkook is coming with no y/n by his side, zuho smiled in satisfaction. "What happened? Your wife doesn't want to come with you?" He exerted in a mocking tone.

Jungkook halted for a moment, shared a glance at him and once again started walking away.

Zuho smirked but it couldn't last long when he heard someone calling out his name from behind. He turned around in an instant. "Y/n, what are you doing here? You are weak and injured. Come let me take you back to your room."

As he was about to approach her and hold her hand,y/n slightly back away, shaking her head in denial and said. "There is no need for this zuho. I come here to tell you, I am going back."

"What do you mean by going back?" Zaid looked perplexed.

"For god's sake zuho, my parents are there alone, worrying about me. I had to go and see them. " Y/n got slightly angry upon noticing how zuho is behaving as if nothing actually happened.

"You are getting the wrong idea y/n, i am not stopping you. Ok, you wanna go then let me take you there." Zuho suggested.

"You don't have to. I mean jungkook is waiting for me outside so I'll go with him."
Y/n says avoiding eye contact. While zuho chuckled dryly.

"Of course, you will obey your so-called husband. I am sure he must have threatened you again."

"Y/n, you don't have to feel obligated to follow what he says. You aren't alone anymore. I am with you. I won't let him do anything to you or our family. " Zuho says calmly and softly.

"There is nothing like what you are thinking zuho. He didn't forced me nor he threatened me. He is just here to take me to my parents,nothing more." Y/n clarified.

"I don't trust him y/n." Zuho said being honest and worried.

"Do you trust me?" He nodded. "Then don't think much. I can assure you,he would never hurt me,not anymore." Seeing her being so confident about him, disturbed zuho.

Unwillingly he nodded and backed away. Y/n passed a small smile and walked out of there after muttering a small take care.
Standing there,he kept looking at her until she disappeared from his sight.

He can't let her go so easily. He needs to win her back.

Jungkook was silently driving the car with a long silence surrounding them. A heavy one that made her feel suffocation. She leaned back on the seat and glanced at him, who seemed quiet from the past fifteen minutes. It's like the concern and agitation he was showing to her moments ago vanished somewhere.

The unrealistic quietness spread between them stretched her heart apart. She faced the window feeling a burning sensation down her throat. Moments later,her eyes shut close after not being able to hear a single word from him no matter how eager she was.

Shortly afterwards, she flutters her eyes open when a sudden commotion disturbed her. She awakened and through her unclear vision she saw him walking towards a car which was at some distance from her. He got inside it and soon the black car disappeared from her sight.

Her gaze shifted to people calling out her.
Her parents.

Just then y/n roamed her eyes around and realised what was going on. Her senses got clear when her crying mother clasped her in her arms. Her mother's warm embrace erased all the uneasiness her heart was holding and calmed her tormented state.

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