#52 Jealous!

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I am back 😭😂

Missed you all ,✨💜

Ab Mujhko Jaana Hai Kahan

Ke Tu Hi Safar Hai Aakhri

"Jungkook!"  The mafia sitting there stopped talking and shifted his attention to his left after hearing a familiar voice. His pupils slightly dilated because to his astonishment his wife was standing there, her icy gaze pinned at him.

He slowly arose from the chair slightly bewildered by her sudden presence. Jungkook was about to ask her when she silenced him with a hard stare and the great mafia Jeon Jungkook dared not to open his mouth or should he say something about her piercing eyes turned him voiceless.

Her gaze flickered back to the girl standing to her right. "Excuse me!" She forced a tight smile. "I'd like to speak with my husband." Jungkook's brown eyes glinted with amusement hearing her words.

The girl begrudgingly complies and starts collecting her stuff from the table. She was slightly disappointed learning the fact that the person with whom she is having the best time of her life is already committed. She was kind of attracted towards him, even though he seemed to show no interest in her and was only focusing on business talks. Sighing, she decided to call it a day. It took her a few minutes before she left the spot.

Jungkook chuckled softly as y/n darted her penetrating stare at him, melting his heart,once again. He slumped down into the chair and gestured for her to take a seat in response to which Y/n gave an exaggerated eye-roll. She sat in the chair and sank down with arms crossed over her chest, a scowl on her face and narrowed eyes not shredding any emotions.

Painfully obvious.

Jungkook had to bite his lips to stop the flicker of a smile across his face. Leaning a little forward, he clasped his both hands together and cleared his throat. "So, what would you like to have?"

Y/n glowered at him but said nothing. Seeing her face setting in an express of stubborn determination, Jungkook decided to call the waiter and order something for her. While, he was telling their order to the waiter, her auditory nerves were on high alert.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked. "I mean, this is what you demanded from her, to have a convo with your husband." Jungkook added, noticing her confused gaze boring into his. Saying the last sentence his eyes gleamed with mischief as if he was teasing her about her own words.

"So are you feeling bad that she is gone?" Y/n remarked bitterly. "Why don't you call her back? Sit and enjoy with her. I should go back then, what say?" Jungkook was dumbfounded.

He just wanted to have a little fun with her but maybe he forgot he is dealing with a jealous wife here. Nevermind, he needs to note down this point as a precaution before dealing with her in future.

Women and their talent of twisting words.

Both of them returned back to the hotel room after a not-so peaceful dinner. It started with her jealousy and ended with her taunting him mercilessly with Jeon Jungkook, listening to it all with utter serenity and calmness.

"I think you should take a little rest." Jungkook suggested.

"I'll but not here." She said grabbing her luggage from the corner. "Huh!" Her words were confusing.

"It means, I won't share this room with you. Book another room for me or I'll ask Taehyung to do it." Y/n says moving towards the door.  She turned the doorknob and pulled open the door. But before she could go out, it get closed.

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