#43 Distances.

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My sincere apologies for not updating  and twanku so much for showing so much love on previous chapter. I'll make sure to interact with you all in previous chapter and reply.💜

3K+ words, hope you enjoy reading my longest chapter ever. Maybe this story will take only three or four chapters💜

I can't make you love me.

It would appear surprising to say that the workaholic Mafia Jeon Jungkook isn't be able to focus well on his work. He seems distracted from the way he is stealing glances of his room's door while biting his own lips, torturing them while waiting for someone to appear.

He harshly closes his laptop feeling irritated for being not to able to see her even after waiting so long. The mafia is now regretting for letting her go. Guess, in an attempt of teasing her he is the one getting tortured.

The groan which escaped his throat is clearly indicating how unhappy he is right now. Does she even know how vulnerable he is feeling right now? Guess, she doesn't even cares.

Just for her he is putting limitations on himself otherwise she don't have any idea how wild his thoughts were running seeing her after three days.


He hurriedly get down from bed after not being able to hold himself more and come out of room to find her. Not finding in her kitchen Jungkook thought to check the room where she used to stay. But to his disappointment she wasn't there too.

The Mafia was close to lose his calm when suddenly Taehyung's eyes fall upon him when he was returning back from rooftop.

"Boss Jeon is everything alright? You are looking as if you are at your worst." Jungkook gave him a sharp glance and taehyung take the warning seriously.

"Get away from my sight." Jungkook whispered dangerously.

"I will but I can tell you where is the person whom you are finding so desperately." Taehyung's words make his boss halt on his steps and look at him once again.

"Not so soon. Let me enjoy your dejected look a bit more as its rare to see you like this. So desperate and hopeless. Mind if I take a picture? I want to capture your this lost child look and show it to Eomm..." Taehyung don't know what he was blabbering until he saw his boss's red face and clenched jaws.

He giggled nervously. "On terrace." Taehyung mentally pouted as he couldn't be able to capture anything. He was about to turn around to go when Jungkook spoke up.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"
"Huh!" His hand unconsciously went to his face not quiet understanding what does his boss means.

"You cried or what? Why your eyes are swollen?" Now this cause taehyung to gulp. He immediately shook his head.

"There is nothing like this boss Jeon. It's because I wasn't able to sleep well last night." Taehyung swiftly lied.

Jungkook said nothing and walks away from there. He slides the glass door to one side and step inside the area whose first glance is enough to spread warmth inside him.

Just when he is about to step further his gaze went to her, sitting there wrapped with blanket looking exactly like a burrito. The sight itself melted his heart.

However when their both gaze locked his heart skipped a beat and it made him conclude if one day he will die by abnoramal heartbeats, he will blame no one but her.

In his dark world, her existence is illegal.

Jungkook wasn't expecting to be called by her and what unbelievable is her gesturing him to sit beside her. And who is he to deny?

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