#18 Party

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Y/n and jungkook are on their way to the party venue and the girl couldn't help but feel anxiety building up inside her, spreading goosebumps with the thought of going to a place where there would be only Mafia's.

Jungkook seemed to sense her uneasiness only by sharing a glance at her.

"Nervous?" Y/n slowly turned her head towards him.

"I seriously don't wanna go there." Her words come out in a whisper but enounce audible for jungkook to hear.

"No one would be able to touch you just stay by my side ok?" Y/n's eyes squinted in a teasing manner.

"You are acting like a bodyguard." Jungkook smirked in response.

"You want me to be your bodyguard?"
"Pffft,so funny." Y/n scoffed whereas inside she was feeling whole different.

"I am serious though. You are doubting me now miss y/n." Y/n didn't answered back and turned her face away.

"You know I am capable enough to guard you well." Y/n's cheeks turned red.

"Shut up!" Jungkook chuckled before focussing back on driving.

Car stopped in front of a luxurious penthouse. Y/n stare at jungkook in confusion seeing him looking at her.

"Open the dashboard." Y/n did what he told. Opening it she saw two masks placed inside it.

"Take them out." Jungkook took them from her hands.

"What's these for?"
"We are going to wear this before entering inside." Jungkook told and look at her with golden mask in his hand.

"Come forward."
"Do what I said to you." Y/n gulped hearing his serious tone. She leaned forward and he did too. Adjusting mask on her face jungkook was tying the ribbon ties behind her head,later covered it with the help of her hairs.

"Is it a masquerade ball?"
"No,but it's still necessary and theme of party too." Jungkook said and was about to back away when his fall on her pale face.

Hesitantly,he cupped her face, gently rubbed his thumb on her soft cheeks and whispered assuring her.

"Don't worry,I'll be there for you."
"I'll try to act strong."

"Why act when you already are? Just bring out the wild cat who always talk fearlessly against me." Y/n pouted and nodded feeling confident.

"And yeah don't embarrass me I have a reputation to maintain unlike you." His voice turned cold as he removed her hand from her face and flicked her forehead.

"Oww! You heartless devil."
"You didn't even saw my devil side yet. And a wise reminder never do anything which can provoke me and you have to face the real devil." Jungkook said and came out of car.

"Huh,as if he behaved like a pure gentleman man before." Y/n came out cursing him.

Clutching his one arm tightly,body close to his,y/n entered inside with jungkook. A sweet melody was drifting through the busy atmosphere and it seemed to be coming from inside.

Her nervous gaze explored the spacious hall, decorated beautifully,flashy lights illuminating every corner of this big hall. A collection of vilonists and pianists were placed at the far end of the hall.

Each sporting expensive looking masks decorated in gold and silver which covered their faces entirely except their eyes looking at them with no such good intentions making y/n feel small under their gaze.

It's like they are judging them and feeling nervous y/n's hold tightened on his arm.

While weaving their way through the crowd, people's present their were offering greeting to jungkook and bowing their head slightly. The smile on their faces was not genuine. Warm gestures, sweet greetings, showing respect everything was a facade and y/n could clearly saw that.

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