#12 Wild Ladies

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Jungkook entered his room and slammed the door harshly before angrily plopping down on bed.

His eyes are burning in anger. Tucking the hairs behind his ear,he took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket but he didn't have any source to light it.

With clenched jaws he starts to find in drawers and finally finds it.

He lit the thing up before placing it inside his mouth and inhaled it.

The toxic chemical filled inside his lungs before eventually calming him.

The audacity she showed talking to him like this isn't good. Nobody talked to him like this,how could she?

He threw the thing away and swiped back his hairs with the help of his tattooed hand.

To calm his tensed muscles he decided to take a cold shower

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To calm his tensed muscles he decided to take a cold shower. Well,cold water helps Jeon jungkook to calm down.

He finished showering and decided to explore the kitchen. With a hope that his annoyed caretaker won't be there.

The lights were already off but it still didn't stop jungkook. He keeps going forward.

For the kitchen he decided to switch on the lights. Just then he turned around after pressing the switch his eyes fell upon a figure sitting on the kitchen counter with a chocolate pastry in hand while the  face was covered with a weird hairstyle.

"Never knew ghosts prefer to eat pastry and who the hell is their barber?"

But then his face turned cold hearing a familiar voice.

"What the hell is this Ms y/n!" Y/n stopped eating and looked at the said person with the side of her lips coated with chocolate and hairs all over her face. The site itself disgusted jungkook. But what triggered him more is her ignoring him and his words and continue eating.

"SHIN Y/N!" Y/n hissed at his loud voice.

"Aishh! Calm down dude,no need to yell. We should not disturb an eating person,don't you know basic manners?" Jungkook's faced turned red and eyes occupied the darkness of a scary night.

"You want this? Pastries are best for the bitter mood." Y/n offered kindly but next moment the plate fell down from her hand when a tight grip held her throat,which caused her to immediately grab the hand which was chocking him as her eyes fell on the scary face of jungkook who was inches closer away from her. He was already pissed and her way of talking is just pushing his button more.

She looked at him with horrified expression as her face turned red due to lack of oxygen. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Jungkook yelled on her face like an angry wolf. Y/n was struggling to get out of his grip which seems to tighten every second. His grip was hard to wriggle out.

"You might have forgotten but the place where you are standing is owned by me and you are standing in front of Jeon Jungkook and you can't talk to me like this." Her eyes rolled back in pain while a few tears rolled down.

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