#21 Outraged Hana

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Another update 🙂🔪

Jungkook scoffed seeing y/n following him silently same as a sulking kid who now wants his mother's attention after being scolded.

"Mr Jeon you left in between,is everything alright?"Mr Joseph asked when y/n and jungkook approached near him.

"Yeah!" Jungkook settled down, following him Mr Joseph also took a seat opposite to him. Y/n kept standing there ,head lowered not until jungkook pulled her down resulting her to fall down beside him. Without wasting another second he grabbed her waist firmly and look at Mr Joseph.

"Mr Joseph I'll look forward to your offer. But remember one thing don't try to act smart. If you wanna work with me make sure you are faithful."

"Rest assured Mr Jeon. I'll take my leave now see you in your office tomorrow. Thank you once again for giving your time." Mr Joseph said and walked out of there.

As they are alone now y/n tried to wiggle out of his grip. "Leave me."

Jungkook didn't bulged and ignored her words. "Jungkook my back is paining, at least let me sit properly." His grip loosened. Y/n make herself conformable and as soon as she did he once again gripped her waist this time not too tightly

Jungkook slide hand in his coat pocket. It was a packet of cigarette and a lighter.

"Light it." Instead of obliging y/n snatched both lighter and stick from his hand and hide it behind her back.

"No,you won't use it." He took a few breaths to calm himself down.

"Give it back."
"I won't." His jaw clenched.

Y/n know it's not good arguing with him but smoking is harmful for his health. She was trying her best to not let him reach her hand,when he leaned over,a little closer than necessary. Her breath hitched when he duck his head down, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"If you don't want me to do something unnecessary with you to calm my frustration,hand my things back to me y/n. " The slight touch of his nose on her neck make her loose her all senses and unwillingly she let him take those things from her hand.

"Good girl." He keep his face in her neck for few more seconds before retreating back.

While y/n was still processing what just happened. Feeling awkward she looked away later sighed feeling something heavy inside. On the other side jungkook too was feeling something weird. He winced looking at the stick in his hand. Throwing it away he put the lighter back to his pocket and turned his face in another direction.

Cake cutting ceremony ended. Gift's got distributed to birthday girl who was receiving them with a small smile. While her eyes were waiting for someone else's presence. Minutes passed but there was so sign of the person she wants to see.

Jungkook was sitting with y/n in the same area unbothered,his one hand was still on her waist the difference is now they both are quiet and ignoring each other, when Mr Cha and his daughter approached them.

"Mr Jeon my apologies as I couldn't find time for you. You know busy receiving other guests and...."

"Mr Cha don't bother yourself. I enjoyed my time " The man smiled gratefully.

"Thank you Mr Jeon. May I have some talk with you please?" Jungkook sighed knowing what is he gonna say.

"Sure!" Y/n was not bothered the only thing which was irritating for her was hana's presence.

Hana was about to take a sit next to jungkook when he said.

"I don't like when someone step in my comfort zone so miss Hana make yourself comfortable somewhere else." Hana's fist tightened as she stomped her feet before placing herself beside her dad.

"Mr Jeon I am sure you already are aware about my intentions for coming here to you. My daughter Hana likes you so much. As his father I only wants her happiness and you also don't have anyone in your life. So I wanna know if you could give her a chance,if you give then I'll be forever grateful to you."

"Mr Cha,I respect you because you are old friend of my dad. But if you keep bugging me for one thing again and again even after my continuous denial towards it then it would do nothing but trigger me more. I already gave you my answer before if you wanna hear again let me repeat myself. I have no interest in Hana." Jungkook clearly stated in a calm tone.

On the other side Hana was feeling humiliated getting rejected by him once again.

"I request you to reconsider....."

"And for your kind information Mr Cha I am already committed. So Hana have no chance left."

"Sorry Mr Jeon but can you elaborate." Mr Cha asked confused even after knowing what jungkook means.

"This girl beside me." He turned his head towards y/n whose eyes were already on him. "Is my girlfriend."


"You heard right?" Mr Cha looked at his daughter getting up from her seat.

"Consider yourself lucky Jeon that a girl like me have interest in you. Otherwise girls fear to even look at you because of your merciless behavior." Hana was outraged as every time she tries to get close to him he pushes her away.

"H-hana,dear calm down. Mr Jeon I am sorry she is not in her senses now." Mr Cha immediately grabbed her daughter's arm in order to stop her.

"You can't reject me like that."

Jungkook get up from his place and walked near the outrageous girl.

"It's not my fault if you don't respect my feelings towards you so why should I? And let me tell you once again Cha Hana i have zero interest in a girl like you. So better back off."

"I will never. This everything is happening because of this bitch." Hana yelled pointing at y/n.

Next second she got choked badly by jungkook. Mr Cha freaked out while y/n hurriedly get up in shock.

"How dare you to talk like this? Or you forget who am I? "


"I calmly answered still you got guts to disrespect my decision. YOU WANNA FACE THE REAL ME HUH!"Jungkook screamed on her face.

"I didn't said anything because of your father otherwise it won't take me one second to finish a self obsessed bitch like you." He harshly released her.

Hana lifelessly fall down on ground, gasping for air.

"Next time if you dared to come in front of me get ready to see hell." Jungkook warned.

Holding y/n's hand he dragged her outside. Two of his bodyguards opened gate of car for both of them. He left her hand and walked to other side before getting inside.

Seeing his dark gaze y/n didn't wasted another second and get inside. Jungkook drove away from there.

Her nervous gaze fall on his face,jaw clenched, eyes filled with darkness,body shaking in anger,the sight was dangerous.

Gathering a little bit of courage y/n placed her hand above his which was on gear. Her breath hitched when his head snapped in her direction,dark gaze on her petite figure now.

"C-calm down jungkook." She whispered in a soft tone. Jungkook didn't said anything and focused back on driving.

Y/n sighed and look outside of window. Before she could retreat her hand back she feel him intertwining with his before placing it back on gear again.

A small smile appeared on her face feeling happy that at least she could help him a little bit.

With increase in car speed his hold tightened more on her hand, wanting to feel her warmth more and more.

I am being too generous now 😤so you better do vote and give lots of comments bcz now I need energy 😅

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