#15 Midnight Cravings

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That night once again y/n was roaming around the kitchen like a hungry ghost and this scenario was captured by devil's eyes who was passing by the kitchen.

Y/n was cooking ramen for herself when everybody was sleeping, blame her midnight food cravings. She don't care if someone will see her this time. What matters for her is to satisfy her stomach. Nothing is important than this not even Jeon Jungkook's anger.

And why should she even fear? It was him who took the decision of her staying here in his mansion so let him face the consequences now.

Y/n evilly laughed in a low tone feeling proud on herself. But next second flinched when she hears him.

"Did some ghost possessed you or what?" Y/n lifted her head up and found the devil himself standing by the door, leaning against it's wall,hands crossed against his broad chest which is giving a proper view of his veins and the tattoo as he was wearing half sleeves t-shirt.

The sight itself was admirable and sinful.

Like a handsome devil come to hunt his prey in the pure darkness of night.

Y/n was shamelessly gawking at him and completely forgetting about ramen and her hunger. Jungkook who was noticing every single movement of her eye balls chuckled softly as it's nothing to him to receive these types of reactions. However her reaction was priceless. The way her doe eyes were gawking and then slightly widened in amazement as they fall on his tattooed hand and then roam around his entire body. Somehow the admiration in her eyes boosted his ego which brings a proud smirk on his lips.

Jungkook straightened his posture before snapping his finger in air bringing the lost girl back to world.

"It would be much better if you focus on what you made rather than me. Or you find me more tastier then actual food?" Jungkook shamelessly said.

Y/n give a disgusting look before focusing back on her ramen which are already cooked and smelling delicious. Before the drool could come out of her mouth y/n immediately grabbed a bow and transferring it into it.

Her eyes once again fall upon on him who was standing there, looking at her. Being a kind soul which she thinks of herself y/n asked.

"You want some ramyeon?"

"I don't eat these kinds of things." Jungkook said exaggerating the words showing how much he dislikes it.

"What you mean by these kind of things? Y/n imitated him. "You grow up eating these things ok. I bet you used to whine for eating them to your mom." Jungkook scoffed in return.

"Whatever you think. I am gonna eat them,good night." Y/n said and strolled outside of kitchen. She walk towards living area,put down the bowl on the small table before sitting down on the carpet.

Excitedly rubbing her hand she grab her chopsticks,stir the noodles and took a big slurp.

"Mmhh!" A satisfying moan left her mouth as the spiciness of noodles touch her taste buds and a tangy flavour spread all around her mouth.

She was enjoying her quality time when jungkook came and sit beside her with a bottle of alcohol.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook's pierced eyebrow raised at her question.

"Your question is meaningless just like your existence. It's my mansion if you forget miss y/n." Y/n rolled her eyes as he straightly disrespected her.

"You could have told normally instead of disrespecting me." She said, stirring the noodles.

"I can't your questions are complicated just like you." Jungkook nonchalantly said pouring the liquor in glass which already had ice cubes in it.

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