#33 Promise

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I want to be your light babe.... 💚

Jeon Jungkook,the mafia leader of underworld,a heartless devil, the crulest among mafia's,a unleashed beast.

This is what she always has heard from people and this world about Jeon Jungkook. With falling of dusk people use to chant only one name.

To aware other people around them because with falling of dusk a ruthless devil used to crop up,hunting his enemies like a hungry beast. Everyone used to believe setting sun is siren of his arrival.

But y/n never had thought she would meet him. Until that one day where she marked herself as a prey and walked over to him. And then Mr Jeon hiring her as his son's caretaker.

The person whom everyone fears. She is his caretaker and living with him and what more surprising is he confessed to her. Sometimes all these things appears a imagination to her.

How could it be possible?

Y/n signed and look down. Everything is becoming complicated for her and she seems to not get any solution of her problems.

Phone ringing
It was her mom.

She picked it up.
"Yes eomma!"

"Y/n,where are you? I told you that we have to go somewhere. It's gonna be evening already and you are not home yet." Y/n bite her lower lip in nervousness.

"Eomma is it necessary?" She lowered her tone.

"Yes very, now tell me when you are coming back?"

"Can't we skip it for today?" Y/n hesitated as she don't wanna upset her mother.

"Any specific reason?" She should tell her. "Mr Jeon is sick and he have no one by his side to take care of him."

"Oh is it?" Y/n slowly hums in return.
"As he is sick I won't force you. Stay by his side and look after him." A small smile made its way on her lips.

"Thanks mom!" She said and hung up the call. Honestly, y/n never wanted to leave not when he is in such condition.

Her heart didn't permitted.

Sighing happily she slided the phone back into pocket. After talking to her mother she is feeling light. She walked out of balcony back to room and found Jungkook in deep slumber.

It's been two hour since he is sleeping. Y/n is glad as he needs rest. As she don't wanna disturb him y/n decides to leave. But before her instincts tell her to check his fever.

Approaching near bed she bend down slightly and carefully placed her palm on his forehead. "Hmm, you are doing good." She mumbled to herself.

"Is it?" The sudden voice startled her.
"woah, are you for real?" She asks eyes wide open.

"Did I scared you?"
"The audacity to ask. Do you even know how fast my heart is beating right now? It's like it wants to come out of my chest." Y/n explained with one hand clutching her left chest area tightly. She is trying to normalize her heart beat.

"Sorry it was not my intention, my bad!" Jungkook said accepting his unintentional mistake. Y/n's eyes narrowed as she stares at him to find any kind of flaw in his gentle behaviour towards her. But seeing his genuine eyes she dropped her look.

"It's okay! How are you feeling now?"
"Better but kinda surprised too."

"Why?" A curious y/n asked.
"Wasn't expecting you. I mean I thought you might have left. I wonder why though,weren't you leaving already?" Jungkook expressed his thoughts. He honestly wasn't expecting her presence after waking up from sleep.

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