#29 Confession In Rain

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Question of the night bcz I am missing hoba 🥺
I Love Hamburger and..............

Knowing y/n didn't returned till yet Jungkook begin to feel restless. Not wasting no more time he dialled her number but it was switched off.

Mentally cursing her he once again dialled but this time to his secretary taehyung.

"Taehyung track y/n's phone's last location and send me within a second." With telling his command he disconnected the call.

One of his man opened car door. After getting inside he dismissed him and drove away from there hoping his caretaker is fine and not in any trouble.

Soon a text made his phone ding. Jungkook immediately checked it. Instead of turning to left he jerked the car to right after checking her last location which is an area near the hospital where she works.

Randomly stopping the car in the mid of road Jungkook came out and followed the directions. As he is familiar about every corner of his nearby area it didn't take him much time. And he was not wrong when he guessed it's an alley but the question which make no sense is what she must be doing here so late at night?

Sound of low groans catched the Mafia's attention. His ears perked up when he heard it again. His steps were light while walking further into the alley. The lack of light in alley couldn't stop his steps as he swifty pulled out gun from his back,sound of those pitiful, muffled groan now getting clear.

He halted once he saw the view which makes him to slide his gun back to it's place. Well, there is no work left for it to be done.

Sighing deeply he leaned against the wall with hands crossed over his broad chest and both legs crossed, gaze now fully focused on the view in front of him.

A loud hiss left from the man's mouth when y/n slapped him hard across the face. She pulled his hairs which she was holding tightly which cause him to tear up a little bit due to the stinging pain.

"Already gave up? This is not what I'd accepted ahjussi." Y/n mocked seeing his condition.

"Leave me you bitch." The drunk man growled loudly hissing in pain as his eyeballs rolled back in dizziness.

"From baby girl to bitch now that's so sudden,don't you think ahjussi?" Her grip tightened more on his hairs strong enough to pull out his hairs and turn him into a bald.

"If I ever saw you behaving like this with any other girl then remember people will feel nothing but pity after seeing your condition, so from next time be careful." With a jerk she left his hairs. He swayed for few seconds before he passed out because of too much consumption of alcohol and y/n's torture.

Y/n stood straight and stared at the now passed out drunkard with a satisfactory smirk on her lips.

"I am sure he gonna feel lucky after he will get his consciousness back, seeing himself alive." She scoffed staring away from him.

"Well, he should be. There is someone else who is left to face my wrath." She turned around to pick up her purse when her eyes fall on a muscular figure,leaned against at wall,staring at her with his famous smirk.

She tried to ignore him by walking away from the site after picking up her face but he wouldn't leave her alone. On the other hand she was curious too to know the reason behind his sudden appearance here.

Could it be that he is here for her?

"Finally you proved miss y/n that you are a wild tigress huh!"

"Now you know so better watch out your actions." Her words were a direct threat.

"What if I don't?" She stopped and turned to him who has a smug smile on face.

"Aren't you being too frank with a person whom you ignored in morning and basically denied her to enter in his car? Why don't you continue it? Maybe morning incident was not enough to satisfy your ego judging from the way how big it is." He met with her taunting gaze which seems to be ignored by him after he let out his next words.

"And how about you explain me your after reaction too when I denied to drop you off judging from the way how bitter you are about it?" At his question,she felt her throat go dry.

Well, she seriously had no idea about him already seeing her doing that.

Seems like she has underestimated a mafia's gaze.

"W-what are you talking about?" She stammered trying to act fool.

"I don't think I had to remind you your own actions. I am sure my words are enough to give you a flashback." He chukled when he saw her breaking the eye contact and looking away.

The gentle touch on her cheeks made her to look up at him again.

"I'll pretend that I never saw that offensive act only because it was you."

The warmth radiating from his rough palm didn't let her know when rain started and the cold drops of downspour is now wetting both of them.

But soon coolness of rain make her scoot closer to his body who imitated her this action with an intention to provide her his warmth and this is what leads him to slide his around her waist and finally he grabs her face into his other hand,his thumb now caressing her cheek softly.

The show off of emotions through eyes leads them to ignore the love the sky is showing for the earth.

His sudden chuckle confused her. He noticed her curious gaze and decided to cure her curiosity.

"I don't know why when you are with me I love those things too which I used to hate,count this rain too."

Hearing his words she was about to back away when he drew her body closer to himself like he already guessed her trick of getting away from him.

"Not this time miss caretaker." He stated looking challengingly into her eyes. "Until you hear me."

"Maybe I know why am I like this when I am with you." Despite of her mind trying to neglect his words, somewhere her heart was eager to listen further.

"Let me allow you to familiarise you with my reasons too." Her heart was thumping loudly in her chest by his words.

"I couldn't figure out before but your these two days absence cleared everything." He leaned forward and permitted his heart to pour out his emotions for the very first time.

"And told me that behind my every action you are the sole reason. I realized the reason of getting lost in my thoughts is you,the reason behind my smile is your silly acts and teasing you is my just another act of demanding for your accompany." The cool breeze of rain delivered his soft confession to her ears.

"And now I want you to be the sole reason of my existence,my care, softness of my heart which wanna conquer you, only you as the owner of its feelings."


Yes,I admit I sometimes write cringe stuffs bcz my whole life is a cringe. No one will blame me.

Just fill the comment section with your sweet words 😁and lots of votes 😀

I think I am ignoring the decision of giving late updates 🙄


Never mind 😐

Kookie finally confessed. What would be y/n's reaction now? 😵Let's wait for another update to know this which gonna come after two months


My instagram account :- toxicsoul480
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