#38 Back to him

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Next morning

Cancel this wedding eomma,

And don't look after me.
Just to let you know wherever I am, I am fine.

Take care,

These words were written on that white paper which their daughter left for them. Mrs shin look at her husband who was standing there blankly.

He left from there to his room. Mrs Shin eyes filled with tears feeling immense pain because of her daughter's act yet somehwere she knows there must be a reason behind all this.

Their daughter is not someone who will hurt her parents.

It's the last thing she will do.


When the first beam of sunlight hit her face,y/n groaned. The intensity of sunlight has already disturbed her peaceful slumber. She slowly opened her eyes feeling a pain striking through her head.

Gazing blankly at the fresh morning through window a gloomy feeling settled inside her remembering last night..... the tragic night of her life.

"Then get ready to sacrifice your loved ones to this devil because I want you at any cost even it means shading blood."

"Don't even think about that Jeon Jungkook. No need to drag my family in between all this shit you are doing." Despite of receiving a admonition from y/n, Jungkook only did was smirk, like mocking her warning.

"Sorry sweetheart but even we are newly wedded and now as I am your husband, I still won't obey your words."

"Shut your this nonsense. We are no one to each other. Everything is a drama,the biggest joke of this world." Y/n proclaimed,voice laced with anger.

"I think you don't love your family judging from the way how disrespectful you are being towards your husband."

Before she could burst on him she was grabbed by her jaw,her teary eyes colliding with his fierce one's.

"Don't make me loose my temper Jeon y/n,do as what I say if you don't want me to do something worst with any of your loved one."

"What do you want me to do?" She asks with her blank gaze fixed on him.

Never in her worst dream y/n had thought Jungkook will do something like this. How did she knew that one day his love will turn into madness under influence of which he will do something unexpected.

The pillow under her stored her tears which are gliding down her eyes, hiding her emotions she is going through from outside world.

Knock Knock.

Y/n jolted up by sudden disturbance she hurriedly wiped her tears and crawled out of bed,heading towards door.

It was a maid.
"Mrs Jeon, master is calling you downstairs for breakfast."

"I am not hungry." With that she closes the door on maid's face. Just because he forcefully married her there is no way she would listen to whatever he will say like a obedient wife.

Inorder to calm her exploding mind y/n went to take shower. Her heart shrinked under cold water allowing the painful tear to roll down which she was holding back.

Few minutes later her room's burst open with a loud thud flinching the girl standing in front of dressing during this process. 

"What the hell Jeon!" She grunted, clutching her chest. 

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