#5 Thoughts About Each Other

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(After Jungkook left the mansion)
Mr Jeon POV.

No one has the temerity to go against Jeon Jungkook's stubbornness. Considering how short tempered he is no one will dare to question him. Once he declared his decision,it cannot be challenged. His dark aura and uncontrollable anger is something which will force you to not even step in front of him,unless you want to see hell on earth.

If I say no one can go against the devil,then I mean it. Even his own father doesn't have enough courage to look into his eyes and speak out his opinion. But they say ,if it's about protecting your loved ones,you will take the risk, not considering the fact that person in front of you is not a human. But a devil,an actual Beast and demon of darkness. And triggering him means calling your death.

And Mr Jeon will do this, this time he will make the decision. Because for the outside world Jungkook is a devil,a heartless creature but for him he is his son,his own blood and the only hope of his life. Whom he won't let go away at any cost. You can call him selfish but he is a father who wants nothing but his child's safety. And someone beside him who will take care of him, genuinely will make him feel relieved.

He glanced at the watch wrapped around his wrist. "It's time to meet him."

"Don't step into my life,until you are eager to see hell."

These were his last words before he disappeared into darkness. If she ever knew that the boy was this much weird yet dangerous, she wouldn't dare to pull this stunt. The girl didn't have any clue that her attempt to make him understood,will make her his prey.

Nothing more but her mind was clouded by his hazel,dark eyes,thin lips,button nose. Despite having tanned skin,he was charismatic. His personality and visuals were out of this world. In one word he was perfect.

Y/n abruptly shake her head to get rid of his thoughts. She can't have these types of thoughts about him,it's absolutely wrong. He was just a stranger whom she collided without any reasons. It was useless. Their meeting was a meaningless moment of their ongoing life. Nothing special!

Only if she knew.

Her train of thoughts halted on a spot when her mobile phone ranges. Taking out from her small bag,she took a glance at the caller ID,only to smile sweetly. She picked it up with shining eyes and spoke in a cheerful tone.


Jungkook returns back to the mansion. Entering inside he was greeted by darkness in the hall. Indicating his father including his secretary and maids are gone and now he is all alone. As always except darkness there was no one to welcome him. And truly he is happy about this.

Turning on the shower he stood under it, the cold water was pouring down his naked body.The wall was imprinted with his sculptured personality. He didn't mind switching on the lights

As Loneliness and darkness,are the two things this devil likes most.

Where there is no one to see and mess up with him. Only him with his evil mind. But today's night was rare. As tonight his evil mind except of thinking about his next target, was surrounded by the brave girl.

He released a deep amount of air out of his lungs.

She was the first one to talk to him. Where everyone is afraid to stand in front of him,she was boldly talking to him, staring directly into his eyes. People start to tremble only by standing in front of him but she was fearless with him, just like a queen.

Jungkook is someone who will appreciate it if something or someone impresses him. And this girl is surely lucky because Jeon Jungkook wants to appreciate her,but that doesn't mean the devil wants to do the same. Her boldness triggered the devil yet he won't let slide this so easily.

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