#40 At His Mercy

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Kya jaane tu mere iraade
Le jaunga saansein chura ke

Dil keh raha hai gunehgaar ban ja
Bada chain hai inn gunaahon se aage

"Infact, it's good to have someone who wants to make this devil suffer, otherwise it's always the opposite."

As she has already admitted she pulled this prank to make him suffer a little but what her another point of view says is, she wants to anger him through this. Initially, she thought he will loose his temper and will burst on her badly.

But the word he said to her wearing a small smile is something she has least expected. Her hand moved closer to her face. Eyes closes in anticipation as her fingers gently trashes her lips. The soft touch reminding her of his lips.  Her fingers trembled before she jerk her hand from her face.

"What is happening with me? She clutches her palm on the soft material of shirt under which her heart is pumping loudly. She exhaled loudly feeling her inside going through a gush of emotions. This is not how she should feel.

She ignored the ongoing battle and strolled outside the room to diver her mind from these weird feelings. Y/n walk inside kitchen feeling a little hungry after arranging their bedroom which was of course suggested by her husband to do. 

A few minutes later y/n saw Yuna coming inside kitchen. Her eyes immediately found the person she is looking for standing across the counter. "Y/n!" The said girl walked near her figure.

"Would you like to accompany me in grocery shopping?" Yuna offered in a friendly tone.  Y/n being Jungkook wife now hadn't changed things between them. For her, y/n is still her friend and shopping partner.

"Right now? I am gonna have my ramyeon in a few minute." Y/n mentioned taking out some kimchi from container.

A perfect side dish for ramyeon.

"Then have it first. It's hardly gonna take fifteen minutes until then I'll check if there is something more which I haven't write down in list." Yuna suggested earning a curt nod from her friend. Her eyes were not even on Yuna, the hungry gaze is fixed on the ramyeon bowl placed on the kitchen counter.

With white seeds sprinkled top over,it was appearing more delicious to her eyes.  Respecting time, she didn't waste any other second and flew outside with the ramen bowl. 

Y/n sat down,both legs on the carpet spread on the base of living room, in a criss-cross position. She hurriedly grab her chopsticks as she dipped it inside the bowl, rolling noodles around the chopsticks and starts to blew on it. 

Y/n saw heavens approaching her soul when she take the first bite. "God, I am on my way to heaven."

{A/n:- And I am on my way to make you all hungry ︶︿︶}

She slurped the noodles not taking a break between too lost to imagine her next second chocked up state.  The tangy flavor of soup on her taste buds is drifting her apart from outer environment. However, the soul wrenching feeling doesn't last long when her eyes inspect the empty bowl resting on her palm. 

"Why tasty things finishes early? Wish  finishing green vegetables was also this easy." She put the chopsticks in her mouth to remove every trace of tangy flavour from around it. 

"Y/n,shall we leave now?" Yuna yelled from inside of kitchen. She has done rechecking the grocery list. 

"Add five more minutes." She stated sprinting up from her sitting position and hastily run upstairs for her room, abandoning the empty bowl on table which few seconds ago was her source of comfort but now is a used utensil. 

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