#46 Be my cure

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Double update 👽(before you start, pwease vote for previous part🤡)

Koi lamha mera na ho tere bina
Har saans pe naam tera💜

"You know I met ronwoo yesterday and guess what he is missing you badly. How about you visit hi....Y/n!"
Mrs Shin had to stop when she perceived her daughter's lack of attention towards her. 

While y/n was focused on looking upstairs during which she saw hana going upstairs. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Y/n,where are you lost?" She gently shook her by her shoulder, snapping her out of her deep thoughts. 

"Why you keep looking up there?"
"Actually eomma Jungkook is not well.  He was sweating and got a headache too. I just hope he is ok." Y/n explained with a tensed look. 

"You still worried about him after what he did with you?" Mrs shin kinda mocked.

"What you mean eomma?" Y/n couldn't catch her mother's words properly because her mind is clouded by her husband's thoughts, of course. 

"No need to hide anything from us now y/n, we a..... "

"Eomma, let me go and just check him once." Y/n cutted her mother off and dashed away from the hall. Mrs shin shook her head unable to believe she still care about that man.

Y/n speedily passed the hallway, climbed the stairs and under a minute she was facing their room's door. The moment she was about to grab knob, a low muffled, angry growl make her halt on her steps. On the other side it quickened her heart rate. 

"Go away."

Without any delay, she twisted the door knob and stepped inside. But the inside view caught her off guard while her eyes enlarged in shock. Yet it didn't take a second to turn into rage.

"What the hell are you doing?" With a loud roar of anger, she marched inside and detaches the woman who was practically hovering above her husband. 

She spun her around and got shocked. "Hana, you?" Her mind went numb but also it's could be expected from a girl like her.

The disappintment soon turned into great fury and anger. She reached near and gave her a hard slap leading her face to turn sideways. The impact was strong enough to disbalance her body. 

Hana jerked her head. Y/n could see the fury in her eyes but does she cares, hell no. Not after the disgusting act she pulled.

"How dare you?" Hana screamed in utter shame and humiliation.

"And how fucking dare you to touch my husband?" Y/n growled threateningly.

"He is not your husband. He is mine." At her words, y/n mocked a laugh. 

"Quiet daring you are to claim him yours in front of me or are you that desperate to snatch a married man?"

"And you think you can stop me?" Y/n was in disbelief at her words. 

What a bitch!

"You guessed right?" Hana got perplexed. However, when she saw how y/n gripped her hand and starts dragging her outside, things starts to make sense. 

"What are you doing? Leave my hand." Hana screamed like a mad woman.

"Lower your tone you witch. You are irritating my husband." Opening the door she throws her out like a used plastic bag.

"This moment my husband is my priority so won't waste my time on you. Stay the fuck away from my man otherwise next time you will question your existence."

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