#19 Fighting for him

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Double update, enjoy

"Because you already lost the chance and I already......."



The lovely moment of them got interrupted by someone calling jungkook
both of them look up and with first glance jungkook cursed under his breath. Y/n heard and it make her wonder who she is?

She again look at the girl standing there clad in a red short dress, hugging her curves perfectly. Curly waves,red lips,big eyes, everything about her was attractive.

Y/n's inspection stopped when jungkook lightly nudged her, telling her to get up.

"Hana!" Jungkook's tone changed suddenly. It now appears cold.

A smile appeared on the girl's face as she come forward and hugged jungkook by his neck. Y/n's eyebrow raised in amazement.

Whereas jungkook didn't bothered to hug her back and backed away immediately maintaining a safe distance. His action embarrassed the girl. She laughed trying to cover up this awkwardness.

"Honoured to see you here Jeon." She said to jungkook totally ignoring y/n's presence.

"You should." Hana laughed at his arrogant remark.

"You attitude Jeon it's so different from others maybe that's why I like you so much." Hana didn't hesitate to express her feelings towards jungkook once again. She was straightforward cause y/n to look at her weirdly.

"And I still couldn't find a reason to like you back." Y/n covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. On the other side she was feeling proud hearing Jungkook's blunt remark.

"Who knows one-day your attitude towards me changes." Jungkook shook his head finding her stubborn self funny.

"Hana, don't pretend to know me better than myself. By being overconfident and self obsessed you are just consoling yourself it won't change my attitude towards you. It would be better for you if you move on." Y/n tried but at last a small giggle left from her mouth, catching both of their attention.

"Oops sorry,just my boyfriend's words sounded too funny to me." Intentionally or not y/n claimed jungkook as her boyfriend that too in front of someone who seems obsessed with him.

"Boyfriend?" Hana look at jungkook in pure confusion yet a kind of madness could be seen in her eyes when y/n proclaimed jungkook as her boyfriend.

"What the hell is this girl saying jungkook?" He gave her a blank look and drew y/n closer to himself by her waist who mentally rolled her eyes.

"Typical Mafia style."

"You are kidding Jeon!" Hana laughed dryly, denying what she heard and now seeing.

"And what makes you think that?"
"Oh c'mon Jeon. Jeon Jungkook the merciless and heartless mafia,the devil who used to ignore now have a girlfriend. Seems hard for me to believe."

"Excuse me miss,if you don't wanna believe then it's your own problem,deal with it yourself. And why are you so shocked about this? If he is merciless or whatever people call him doesn't actually mean he don't have a heart or can't love someone. Before anything he is a human who have feelings and emotions just like others so you can't have your own assumptions just because he doesn't show them or the world known his as a devil." Her way of talking pissed y/n. Why people have a mentality that Mafia's don't have a heart? You can't just judge someone based on their profession.

Hana give a deadly glare.
"Mind your language girl. You can't talk to me in this tone."

"If you are not capable enough to hear back then don't spit gibberish about someone. Not everyone can hold back."
Y/n said, passing a fake smile.

"What are you so proud of huh? Just because Jungkook give you girlfriend title? I bet he is j....." Y/n interrupted.

"Oh please not the same shitty dialogues again. Using you,he only wants your body or whatever every other villain say. Please,I already heard them a lot. If you excuse us,I wanna have my orange juice. I am dieing because of thirst. C'mon boo." Y/n dragged jungkook away from there not before taking her glass of orange juice not minding the girl now shooting daggers in her direction.

"Aaah!" Y/n being satisfied looks at the now empty glass in her hand. Her head tilted sideways feeling a intense gaze on herself and it was none other Jungkook the devil looking at her with his famous, annoying smirk,body pressed against counter.

"What are you looking at?" She asked facing him as from other hand she placed the empty glass on counter.

"Just figuring out are you the same y/n who used to hate me so much and now defending me."

"I don't hate you." Y/n murmured.

"So do you love me?" She passed a disbelief look.

"You know what your words remind me of that girl. You are also delusional just like her." Y/n too leaned against counter beside him. Jungkook turned his body to her side.

"She was assuming things by own. And I am doing it seeing your actions towards me. You can't blame me when few minutes ago you went against her for me like a protective girlfriend."

"I did because she was saying pure nonsense. Doesn't mean I am head over heels for you. No need to fly,what are you doing?" Y/n gasped when suddenly he stood in front, basically hovering above her, trapping her small body between his arms.

"Shhh,I am just protecting my girlfriend from evil eyes,you can continue." Y/n didn't minded and continue blabbering like a innocent child and jungkook keep hearing her like a lovesick lover boy.

Honestly, standing this close with him was not uncomfortable for her. She kept giggling, roasting him, sometimes slapping his shoulder when her laughter gets out of control.

For the first time in his life jungkook enjoyed a party or should he say loving her crackhead and carefree behavior. Otherwise he always return back to home with bloody hands.

"Excuse me Mr Jeon!" Someone interrupted.

Y/n's blabbering stopped but jungkook didn't left his spot. He just tilted his head a little,face stern, clearly showing he didn't liked the sudden disturbance.

"I am Mr Joseph's secreatory. He wanna have a little conversation with you." Jungkook backed away and y/n breathed in relief. Not to lie she was actually embarrassed.

"If he wanna talk then tell him to come to me,I am waiting." Aren't a way Jeon jungkook gonna follow someone.

The person left from there probably to inform his boss.

"Come let's sit there."
"Nah,I have no interest in mafia talk. I am good here."

"Y/n,it's not safe to be alone here."
"Please jungkook I can take care of myself. I promise I won't go anywhere from here."

"My eyes are on you." Saying this jungkook left the spot.

"Finally, freedom." 

Oh my god you seriously did that 😭

Twankuuu so much my little bears. Seriously your love and support means so much to me. Your beautiful and funny comments always excites me to write more and more contents for you. Keep doing. 

As I promised hers is your gift. Hope you enjoyed reading this. 😍 Y/n in this ff is bold, daring and a total crackhead. So don't mind her weird acts 😂

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