#41 Shameless Mafia

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You can do it.

Y/n assured herself mentally as she steps out of washroom, gaze stuck to the floor like she doesn't wants to look around at anything or anyone.

Or maybe whatever happened inside drain her confidence and make her mind fall into the hazy memory of their deep-seated moment.

Her pace remains easy and unhurried as she dumped the damp towel on chair. Her careless acts didn't get unnoticed by his gaze. Jungkook cleared his throat and they both share  an awkward glance before averting back, gazing around the interior of room as if it get renovated recently. 

As the silence filled with awkwardness starts to suffocate them the mafia thought to remove it by gathering some courage for the sake of both of their sanity.  He inhaled a sharp breath, filling his lungs with fresh air. 

Why this small act of saying few words is requiring such strenuous efforts?

However, he have to do this anyhow if the mafia doesn't wants to spend rest of the night being restless under his wife's presence.

"It wasn't my intention to take things so far. Pardon me for my actions if it anyhow made you uncomfortable. " Jungkook said these words facing other side not noticing how a pair of doe eyes is drilling holes into his back. 

"If? Excuse me, of course it was uncomfortable. Everyone will go through this if someone will do these types of things with you." Y/n remarked with a slight eye roll. The hesitation and awkwardness was long gone.

Jungkook turned around immediately hearing her offensive words.
"What do you mean by someone? For your pea size brain's brief knowledge Mrs Jeon, I am your husband."

"Forceful husband to be exact." Y/n exclaimed with crossed arms. 

"And being my husband doesn't give you any right to perform these types of actions. You should've thought before doing this. Oh, well this is something you never does so there is no use of me telling you all this."

She deadpanned with a stern face and walked near bed ,laying down she covered herself from blanket ,turning her back towards him.

Jungkook stood there dumbfounded. He blinked once, twice until he processed everything.

Uhm, did the great Mafia. Jeon Jungkook just got bashed by his wife?

Y/n shut his her eyes tightly as she feels other side of mattress pressing down after few minutes. Her body turned numb as she doesn't wants to give the boy laying down beside her a slightest of idea about her conscious state.

She have no idea why his presence have so much effect on her. 

Her tightly closed eyes jerked open as she senses him scooting closer to her. 
He seriously didn't learnt his lesson?

His hand brushed against her back from inside the blanket and she found herself standing at the end point of her patience.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" A pissed y/n stated in a sharp tone as she twisted her body in his direction. Her eyes narrowed as she found his bulky figure on other side of bed.

Then what was that?

Her gaze travelled down and fell on the crumbled white sheets where a tattooed hand was placed. 

"What exactly were you doing?" She directed a question for his action,eyes fixed on his hand, tracing the intricate tattoo pattern. Jungkook followed her gaze and he couldn't stop his lips from tugging up a little.

"Why don't you come closer? I'll explain every detail about my tattoo in brief." The clever Mafia proposed in a husky tone, wanting to be appear a little intimate.

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