#20 Another Weird Stranger

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Y/n was standing there looking around trying to figure out what must be going on in mind of all these Mafia's present there. Must be planning something evil. And then her eyes fall on young girl's around her age,in revealing dresses,loads of makeup on their faces.

What they are doing here? Are they those seducers which every gang have to trap their enemy's. Y/n wonder why they even do that? But guess,not everyone wants peace. Sometimes deeds of others whether it's good or bad force us to do something which we don't wants to do.

And sadly,she is one of them.

Tapping on counter table with her polished nails,she was lost in her thoughts when someone stood beside her, demanding for a drink. Y/n didn't paid attention to it not until the person said.

"Hi!" Not to be appear rude y/n responded with a small reply.


"Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend right?" Y/n give a slight nod. Honestly,she has no interest in talking with any person present there.

"If you don't mind,can I know your name? By the way myself Min-Joon." Y/n passed a tight lipped smile to hide her frustration. Why everyone have to disturb her peaceful time? And God damnit,this mask is irritating her.

"Y/n!" Before coming into party jungkook told y/n to not reveal her surname. Her frustration increased more seeing another person standing beside her. Why the hell everyone have to come here?

"You seems uninterested."

"You guessed right." Min-Joon chuckled at her striaghtforward reply.

"Any specific reason? Let me guess,got in a fight with your boyfriend." Y/n give a weird look before replying.

"Excuse me,no need to interfere in our life. And for your kind information. My boo is the cutest." Min-Joon laughed at this.

"Cutest? Are you serious? You are calling Jeon Jungkook,the devil cute? Someone wake me up from this dream." Y/n closed her eyes as the boy standing with her is doing nothing but pissing her off.

"Do you have any obsession towards jungkook?" Min-Joon frowned and shook his head.

"Then why do you care if he is cute or not? Tell me,who is his girlfriend?"

"Of course you."

"Yes, that's me and who are you to him?"

"No one."

"Exactly,you are just another,weird stranger who have same theory just like others about my boo. So your judgement proves no point here. On the other way,I am his girlfriend who knows him better than you. So what you understand?" Y/n asked squinting her eyes.

"That we should not judge someone without knowing them personally." Min-Joon answered looking lost. He blinked eyes hearing clapping sound, bringing him back to real world.

"Good,good,you appears intelligent one here to me." He chuckled realising he just got tricked.

"You got me." Y/n flipped her hairs back feeling proud.

"If you don't mind can I know your love story with jungkook?" Y/n gulped feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Love story?

Jokes on you brother,there is no such thing. Infact,she still curse the day when she first met him.

The day where she was a prey who unknowingly went to it's predator.

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