#25 Not A Chance

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"Any problem?" Jungkook asked when y/n cut the call. She said nothing just shook her head in no.

"Hmm what about breakfast?" Jungkook said walking towards dining area.

"Oh it's ready." Y/n served him quickly.
Silence fell into between them which was broken by jungkook.

"You wanna say something?" Jungkook said like he just read her mind.

"How do you know?" Y/n asked surprised.
However jungkook was not showing any emotions he was just casually sitting there and eating his food.

"Your body language speaks." Yuna who was passing by there coughed loudly. Noticing both of their gaze on herself she immediately left the spot.

To hide her flustered face y/n clears her throat and said. "Actually after lunch yuna is going for grocery shopping. If you give permission can I join her too?"

"You wanna go?"
"Yes,can I?" Y/n hopefully asked, leaning towards him. Jungkook coughed and clears his throat and looked up at y/n.

"Uhmm!" Jungkook starts to think while chewing his food slowly in order to tease her. However,her next actions caught him off guard when y/n hold his arm, staring at him with puppy,doe eyes.

This girl!

"What's the need though?" Her smiled dropped and with that she jerked his hand away too surprising him.

"You heard right because I wants too. Since the first day of work you have caged me here in this big ass mansion. What am I supposed to do? You never let me go anywhere even I am not allowed to meet my parents. I am human too you can't treat me like this. Did you get that?" Y/n expressed everything she have bottled up inside herself all these days in one breath.

"Hush!" She finally breathed satisfied. When she feel her throat getting dry she picked glass of water which was beside Jungkook's hand and gulped half from it.

"Ah thanks." Wiping her lips she look at him who now is leaning his body against chair and staring at her with cold gaze.

Y/n passed a toothy grin and muttered some incoherent words under her breath.

"Ok." Her head snapped up.

"You can go." Jungkook stated and once again starts eating ignoring her completely.

"And if you wants to meet your parent you can do that too." His eyes widened when she cupped his face in her palms and come closer to his face with a disbelief look.

"You just got agreed easily. Are you really Jeon Jungkook?" Jungkook's blinked his doe eyes being dumbfounded,mind blank and body numb due to her touch.

Feeling numb,unconsciously he nodded his head. Her eyes shined in happiness, creating something weird in his heart.

"Thank you so much,you are the best." She starts to jump being excited. Jungkook clears his throat when her hand slipped down from his face and awkwardly adjusted his suit.

"Stop being a loud speaker and let me eat in peace for once." Y/n stopped her movements however a genuine wide smile was still lingering on her face.

After finish eating his breakfast Jungkook gulped down water and get up from his seat.

"But make sure to come before evening. It could be dangerous."

"As you wish Mr Jeon." Jungkook internally chuckled seeing her smiling so widely. It is such a adorable yet funny sight to witness. He left from there.

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