#35 Fiance

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Y/n come out of mansion wiping her tears. Heart heavy, she was struggling to take step. Anyhow she get inside car and bursted into tears. The suffocation and pain of three days is finally coming out in the form of warm tears. She covered her face wheezing loudly.

"Don't you wanna be free from me completely? This is you wanted right?"

Never, she never wanted this. Just like him he has also become a small but precious part of her life and maybe heart too. More warm tears trickled down her eyes as she feels immense in her heart remembering his harsh behaviour. He treated her like a stranger and the girl never knew it would her hurt so much even when it was her own decision.

It's her who wanted to go away from her life then what's with all these feelings? He was determined to do anything for her it was her who never reciprocated.

She try wiping her tears with uncontrollable sobs leaving her mouth along with more fresh tears. How badly she wants to run back to him and feel his warm hug but destiny and situation both are cruel with them.

"I-I am sorry Jungkook...so sorry." She apologized feeling vulnerable. How coldly she treated him all these days while he was doing nothing but loving her unconditionally. She is ashamed for acting so rude and heartless towards him.

"Y-you don't deserve someone like me Jungkook. You can fight against this whole world for me but I can't. I can't hurt my family,I can't hurt the person who has done so much for me."

"I can't fight for the person my heart desires,I can't do anything. I failed to prove I am your wild tigress." Her heart clenched remembering his hurt eyes. A broken smile appeared on her lips staring at the mansion where she made so many beautiful memories with him.

She started the engine and keep gazing at the mansion with yearning eyes until it disappeared from her sight and emptiness of heart stole her attention.

(Two days later)
It was when y/n is returning back to home after hospital. Strangely,she didn't saw her parents,might be in their room however the girl was mentally too exhausted to mind this. She directly went inside her room and close the door and leaned against it with closed eyes.

The room was dark as y/n didn't switch on lights. With eyes closed and a faint smile resting on her place her mind was busy exploring some beautiful moments of her life which are left with a tag of memories.

Yet soon everything got erased and turned blank when she feel a strong arm circling her waist. Fear crept into nerves when skin of her neck burned due to someone's hot breath fanning against it and a low whisper occupied her all senses.

"Hlo beautiful girl!" Her heart accelerated when the grip on her waist detaches her body away from door and drew it closer as a large body engulfs her small body completely.

Y/n jerked away from the hug and first thing she did is switch on lights and faces the person. Her pupils dilated when it falls on the person whose body is now leaning against the door.



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