#26 New Rules

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"God,what does this devil wants now?" A irritated y/n was climbing the stairs as the devil called her as soon as he came back. Y/n was very well aware about the fact that her life gonna change after accepting this job but never knew along with life it would destroy her peace too.

Well,you never know what gonna happen in future. Meeting this devil was in her fate. If she could write her own fate then her life would be not less than any fairy tail. Sadly,the title of human is a full stop of her imagination.

"Mr Jeon,are you alright?" Y/n asked worried. As when she entered inside she saw jungkook smirking, standing in front of mirror like a statue. At this moment he appeared nothing but a creep to her.

The sudden commotion behind him startled him. His gaze travelled back to her figure through mirror. Feeling a little embarassed he tried to come back to his normal self by clearing his throat and straightening his posture.

At his tactic y/n slightly laughed. Him trying to avoid this situation was such a funny sight. The way his scrunched as he nose slightly winced at his own actions.

Well, appearing adorable is nothing to do with mafia profession. It's natural.

Y/n's eyebrow crushed as he signalled with his fingers to come near. Inside,she finds this action of him a little hot. However,she chooses to ignore it.

"There is something you need to know. I made some changes in your work." Jungkook walked near to her until they are just few steps away from each other.

Hands in pocket he has a calm look on his face but y/n know this calmness holds another meaning.

"Changes?" Jungkook nodded as a response.

"Dad assigned you as my caretaker yet you only do few of my works like providing me food on time, treating me when I am injured and that's all." Even after hearing him she didn't showed any reaction and keep gazing with a blank look.

"So what actually do you want me to do, mop the floor?" Her voice was heavy with sarcasm which jungkook ignored and continued.

"Yes!" This single word was enough to let her out a mocking laugh.

"I think I should leave Mr Jeon." Y/n said with crossed arm as she is not in mood of taking jokes. However,his blank face forced her to think from another point of view.

"You must be kidding?"

"For once be serious Miss Y/n and it's not my fault if your pea size can't process my words." Y/n's mouth hang open hearing insulting words for her from his mouth and that he said this in front of her without any hesitation.

"Mr Jeon it's the third time you are saying improper words about my brain. It's disrespectful."

"To you,not for me." Jungkook tried not to smirk but failed.

"It was not even directed towards you." Her voice laced with irritation. This man is getting on her nerves now.

"Seems like I misunderstood." It's crystal clear that jungkook is doing everything intentionally. The way he is pissing her with his words,even a blind would see it.

"Oh I am so thankful you finally realised."

Jungkook chuckled at the way she made a face towards him. Isn't it surprising,he is loving it and instead of triggering him her silly acts are making him smile?

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