#39 Compensation

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Double update 💜

Main likh doon aasmaan par ye
Ke padh lega jahaan saara
Huaa na hoga ab koi
Yahan hum do sa dobara

As dawn breaks over the city, y/n's eyes fluttered open. Yawn escapes her lips as she stretched her body a little.  Her droopy eyes particularly staring at nothing. 

She crawled out of bed and starts to walk over to washroom. Too drowsy to inspect her surroundings hence she bumped to something hard.

"Ayyy!" Y/n lifted her head with squinted eyes. "Why are you standing in between like a pillar? Get out of my way."

"You sure it's me?"
"Do you think it's my fault? You are imposing your mistake on me now." Drowsiness faded from her eyes when her ears picked up his words.

Her accusing eyes were fixed on him.
"Why don't you look around a bit?"

"What's special is here to look around except a human pillar who is doing nothing helpful but blocking my way."
She taunted,crossing arms too stubborn to follow what he said.

"But a little inspection won't hurt right?" Rolling her eyes y/n finally turned from him and looks around. Her tongue sticks out to wet her dry lips once she finds where is she standing.

From her peripheral vision she witnesses his eyebrow raising, demanding her to speak. However, she didn't let his look dominant her.
"Mistakes happen ok, speacifically from a person who just woke up from sleep."

"The mistake take place because the person was too drowsy to keep eyes open and cop up with her surrounding." He slipped his arms around her petite waist, bringing her closer. 

"And is now too stubborn to accept it."
He drops his voice to a whisper under her ear. "Am I right?" Y/n's heart was throbbing against her rib cage,it becomes more violent as he rests his chin on her shoulder, gazing at her morning face fondly from his point of view.

"Don't you think I deserve a little compensation?"

"For what? I don't remember damaging your property or any other thing."

"But you did hurted my heart with your words. What about a small kiss as compensa..." Y/n pushed her elbow in his stomach. The boy groaned in pain moving back releasing her from his hold.

"Go to hell with your compensation."
She stated loudly with red cheeks and dashed inside washroom ignoring his hearty chuckle. 

"A dumbo would go to hell, leaving behind this heavenly feeling."

Y/n entered inside kitchen. Maids immediately bow their head in respect as everyone in this mansion received a special advice from their master to give respect to their queen.
And who are they to go against his order.

"Please, you don't have to be so formal with me." In a polite tone y/n says. She knows who trained them to behave like this with her and receiving respected looks from her fellow friends kinda awkward to her. 

"You are a important and precious part of our Master's life and we can't treat you like an ordinary person." One of them says,eyes not matching her.

"So what?" It gains confusing look from them. "It's not something to brag about or be proud at. Nothing changed,except a four letter surname before my name. I am still the same y/n. I don't need someone else's identity to be important in people's eyes."

Maids looks at y/n in horror. How could she say something like that? 

"And one more thing, I was never ordinary to even begin with. Throughout my entire my parent's had treated me like a princess. So what difference a surname does make."

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