#37 Claiming her

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I Can Never be Without Your Love

You Know Me

Your Love is in My Heart and Blood

It Runs Deep

"Who are you dear?" Mrs Shin politely asks the young man standing outside.
He was nowhere familiar to her not even she could see his face because of the mask he is wearing.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Suddenly, her face was pale yet she tried her best to stay calm. "Mr Jeon!" She wasn't expecting a devil's presence at her doorstep.

"Please!" She welcomed him inside and closes the door behind. "Who is it?" Mr Shin asks.

"It's Mr Jeon for whom y/n used to work." Mr Shin nods in understanding and respectedly signalled him to take a seat,hiding his inner turmoil.

"You can sit." Jungkook says removing his mask as from his peripheral vision he saw them standing, maintaining a proper distance from him.

"How can we help you Mr Jeon?" Jungkook's got fixed on Mr Shin now.
Sitting on sofa like a boss, his body was screaming nothing but dominance,spreading a dark aura around.

"Call your daughter." None of them dared to question because of how serious he sounded saying these words. Soon enough Mrs Shin came back with y/n.

"Mr Jeon!" Y/n says shocked evident in her voice. She hadn't imagined Jungkook coming to her house. But why? Opposite to her confused state he was calm and blank.

"I would like to talk to her in private."
He asserted his thoughts loudly and clearly. "You can rest assured from my side. I am just here to talk." Jungkook says further as like he was reading everyone's mind.

However,Mr and Mrs Shin weren't ready to leave not after when their daughter passed a assuring nod.

"Why are you here?" Y/n sounded dead serious. She is sure there is something going in his mind. Otherwise why would a mafia boss will himself come to talk to her?

Not to forget,Jeon Jungkook is a big mystery.

"Something was bugging me and guess what it's related to you miss y/n. And this is what makes me come here." Y/n is not buying it. Her gaze still lingering on his figure with a bit of suspiciousness hidden inside them.

"Quit beating around the bush and say what's on your mind."

"Why so serious,my lady? Calm down." Jungkook crossed his legs over another and gave her a smug smile.
"Honestly, your fiesty side appears more attractive."

"What the hell is wrong with you Jeon? Drop this crap act of yours and get straight to the point." Y/n says annoyed. He is behaving weird and it's irritating her.

He turned next second and said something after hearing which y/n is doubting her auditory sense.

"Call off this wedding." He enjoined her strictly.

Y/n's face twitched. "What?" She mocked a laugh on his words. "Are you drunk or what? Can you even hear yourself?"

"And what makes you think that I'll listen to your bullshit."

"Because this is what I want and you have no choice but to give me what I desires." He shrugs.

"You don't owe me anything to do whatever you will say. If you have nothing more to say, door is there you can leave." Y/n sternly stated.

Jungkook throw a file on table placed there. He gestures towards y/n with his eyes. She slowly picked it up with racing heart and opens it and her heart dropped when he reads the words written inside it.

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