#7 First Day

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Mr Jeon informed y/n to come from tomorrow and also told her about Jungkook's whole day schedule. Her duties which she has to perform. Y/n attentively listened to all those things Mr Jeon was telling her and mentally noted down to not forget them.

However the girl was anxious thinking how would she take care of ronwoo in this new job? The little boy has attached so much to her that now without her presence beside her he didn't even follow others. Y/n figure out whenever she gets time,she will definitely go to meet the little boy. As of course she herself also got so much attached to him. His soft smile and adorable actions always melt her heart.

Next Day

The birds were chirping loudly. The rising sun casts a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.

The beeping sound of the alarm clock echoed in the whole room loudly reaching the girl's ears who was sound asleep in bed causing her to release a groan, hearing the annoying tone of alarm. Her eyes were heavy,the girl wanted to sleep more but couldn't......why? Because of the early routine of Jeon Jungkook. Who the hell woke up so early?

She glances at the alarm clock with droopy eyes and gets up from bed lazily. The girl wants to sleep more. It's the first day only and the Jeon Jungkook already snatched her peace. God knows what will happen next?

After finishing the daily routine y/n went downstairs, taking a last glance of herself in the mirror. A wide smile appeared on her face, witnessing her parents all being lovey dovey early in the morning. Every morning she feel blessed seeing this warm sight of her small family.

"Good morning lovelies." She exclaimed loudly catching their attention.

"Good morning sweetheart." Her parents greeted her back and in return she hugged them with a wide smile.

"You got up early today! Any specific reason?" Mr shin asked

They were still unaware about their daughter's new job. Things occurred so quickly that she didn't get any chance to discuss it with her family. Y/n share every single thing happening in her life with her parents. And doing a new job is a serious matter to talk about.

"Mom,dad there is something I wanna tell you both." Mrs Kim noticed her daughter's nervousness. In concern she rubbed her back and passed a smile at her mother's concern.

"No need to worry,just let it out."
Y/n inhales a sharp breath to calm her beating heart. Although she knows how her parents are, they will support her every decision but still there was guilt in the corner of her heart for not sharing before and doing it at the end moment.

"Dad,I got a new job and from t-today I am joining it."
Mr and Mrs shin share glances, bewildered yet shocked. Y/n bite her lips not knowing what would be her parents reaction now? What would they think about her?

Her nervousness fear, vanished away when she saw her father passing a smile and her mom caressing her hair with the same bright smile of her.

"My daughter,we both know if you have decided something there must be a valid reason behind it. We trust you dear."

Her mother's words softened her heart. It's not heavy anymore. Her eyes moistened,feeling so thankful to God for giving them as her parents. The best parents of this world.

She immediately hides herself in her mother's warm embrace who didn't turn back from giving her daughter her warmth. Until,a small whine disturbed them. Which was of course from Mr shin.

"Hugging without me, this is not fair."
Y/n chuckled and the three did a group hug with a wide smile adoring their face, thanking God for this beautiful moment.

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