#31 His Intentions.

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Am I Late? 🤧

Rain had stopped now. Her wet, shivering body is now clinging to him more for warmth. After consolation and whispering apologies she was calm now. Jungkook wants to drawn himself in this moment but he is also aware it's not possible.

"I am sorry." She whispered slowly against his chest.

"For what?" y/n lifted her head from his chest. "I respect your feelings but I am sorry because I can't accept them.  It's not possible when I am already committed with someone else. "

She got confused when he didn't respond but just keep staring at her.  However,the aura around them replaced with something dark when he curled his lips and sneered.

"Should I feel threatened from the fact that you are already committed?" His muscular arm slipped around her waist. His hold was possessive. 

"Does it makes me want you less now?"


"Or do you really think if you will tell me this I would give up on you?"
A kind of possessiveness overcame him as he stared right into her eyes.

"W-what are you saying Jungkook?" His words puzzled her yet scared her too. She is unaware about his motives.

"Just know no matter what you say nothing can stop me from making you mine." Y/n was too stunned too speak. Her eyes widened in horror realising what he means. 

"What kind of nonsense is this Jungkook?" She made an attempt to come out of his hold. 

"Everything you are saying doesn't make any sense. It's wrong, you can't claim someone against their will. This is completely wrong."

"What do you think me as,a good boy?  I am not,sorry petal for not reaching your expectations. Did I disappointed you?" Jungkook said being fake apologetic. He sighed emotionessly and brushed her wet hairs from her face.

Y/n stare at him in disbelief. He is not ready to accept that she is already committed. She pushed him away harshly.

"You are acting immature now Jungkook." He chuckled darkly in return.  "Am I?" Suddenly he grabbed her by her neck and whispered.

"I don't care what do you think about me Y/n and I don't fucking care about the bullshit fact too that you have someone else in your life. I am gonna claim who I desires and no one could stop me in that." A shudder is felt down her back hearing his words.

The only thing which y/n could anticipate now is that after today nothing will be normal as this devil decided to enter her life.

"You are insane Jungkook."
"The wild attraction I feel towards you is driving me crazy and make me do insane things.....can't help." He joined both their foreheads,breathing against her lips.

"You can't force someone."
"Can't even let you go." He showed no hesitation.

Her heart was beating loudly by their closeness and his words. 
"Why are you doing this when you know it's not easy?"

Removing his hand from her neck he now cupped her face from one side.
"This devil desires for you what could be more dangerous than this?"

She wants to make him understand but it seems like he doesn't wants to. 

"Jungkook!" Her voice cracked at end.  Everything is messing up and she have no control over it. 

"Please stop with all this." He wiped her tears and said. "I am just returning the favour sweetheart." He slightly backed away and look into her teary eyes.

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