#30 Hurt

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"Ayy Kya bolti Tu... "
(I swear 90's songs are so beautiful and enjoyable 💞)

"And now I want you to be the sole reason of my existence,my care, softness of my heart which wanna conquer you, only you as the owner of its feelings."

Jungkook confessed whatever his heart is holding for her inside. Yet these few words are not enough to express his true emotions towards her. If only she give a chance he will show her how deep his love is.

On the other side,she was standing numb in his arms after hearing his words. She can't decipher how should she react on it?

Everything was so sudden,his confession just like this rain. Beautiful but unbearable. Something which you could only admire but can never embrace.

"This is the definition of my love for you. Love? Maybe that's what it is."

He confirmed chuckling to himself as like he finds this too funny and far-fetched. Him feelings and saying these types of things appears unimaginable to him.

His fingers slip down from her cheeks to her chin as his gaze is now lingering on her wet lips.

She sucked in a breath feeling his hot breath fanning against her lips. Grip tightening on her waist he drew her drenched body more closer wanting to disappear the distance between them.

Y/n immediately turned her head away when his lips slightly brushed against her's. The touch was for a mere second yet still she felt softness of them.

"Y/n!" She hear his soft,despearte whisper against her cheek leads her to close her eyes to sooth the stinging pain of them.

"Don't end this moment with your silence,say something." Her moist eyes get locked with his paternal gaze.

She shook her head as a small sob erupted from her mouth worrying him.

"Y-ou can't.....I-i.... This can't happen."
Y/n don't know why is she crying and feeling so miserable.

"What are you saying? I can't wh-" She frantically moved away from him, stumbling on her steps. Wiping away her tears she looked at him and said.

"You need to forget this Jungkook and let go whatever you have for me. I am sorry but it's impossible." Jungkook's eyes narrowed at this.

"You and me can never be together." He harshly pulled her toward him.

"What do you mean by this?" He asked, piercing gaze fixed on her face.

"There is no one who got guts to stop me from making you mine."

"Not someone else it's me who don't wants to be yours." With great difficulty she let out these words staring into his eyes.

"And I don't think you have any reason to do this. If you are not sure about your feelings then we can work on this together. I'll put efforts,spe..."

"You can't put efforts for someone who can never be yours no matter what you do." Tears rolled down her eyes along with rain water. He jerked her body closer.

"Why are you making it look complicated y/n? And what the hell is with you can never be mine,you are already mine." His anger was raising at whatever she is spitting on his face.

How the hell she can say that?
According to what he thinks he would never let her go. He is ready to do everything just to make her his.

"I am not yours Jungkook. You can't claim me when I already belongs to someone else." She shouted as her own words are tearing apart her heart.

She have no idea why it's hurting her so much. She doesn't even have something for him or does she?

Jungkook gave her a blank stare.
"What did you say?" His jaw tightened
as his voice turned low and he take a threatening step towards her.

Y/n shudders at his changed tone which he never used with her. She stepped back regretting for telling the secret she deliberately wanted to hide.

Walking backwards she tripped on her steps yet before she could fall a grip on her waist stopped her. However, the grip was too strong to leave a bruise on her skin.

Jungkook leaned over and whispered to the girl in his arms. "I dare you to repeat your words Shin y/n." Hearing his husky voice y/n realises that now she don't need a warning. His tone is enough to intimidate her soul.

She couldn't summon up any courage to open her mouth and repeat those words. She looks up at him,her whole body was trembling due to coldness of the heavy rain and his eyes.

"Your anger can't change the fact that I belongs to someone else not yo... " Her eyed alarmed when Jungkook suddenly grabbed her neck and pulling her roughly against him he smashed his lips on her.

Y/n was beyond shocked and numb feeling his cold lips on her's. He kissed her without permission, without any warning. It was something about which he didn't gave any thought before doing.

He just did it. Her words triggered something inside him and he couldn't thought anything else rather than sealing her lips with his, swallowing her next words.

The drops falling from sky consumed themselves in the moment becoming a part of this beautiful moment.

He slow down his pace,give soft smooch on her lips before claiming them passionately. Her body trembled by his actions. She stood there frozen feeling this moments and his gentle caressing of her cheeks.

She was about to lost her all sense by his way of pouring out his feelings under this pouring rain when thundering of clouds bursted into her ears. She closed her eyes and with all her strength she pushed him away and slapped him across his face.

She could not speak her next words and got pinned to wall and yelped when her back harshly came in contact with the hard surface. She looks at him with her teary eyes whose dark eyes is now staring right into her soul and his lips and brows quivering in anger.

Jungkook once again slammed his lips on her yet this time aggressively. Y/n wiggled in his grip and try to push him away. Her every attempt of getting out of his grip got unsuccessful when Jungkook hold her both hand behind her back,pressing his body more against her.

Engrossed in the euphoric moment he didn't gave any thought about her struggles, her whimpers. All he wants is to claim her and show her whom does she belongs not acknowledging the pain she is feeling by his actions.

Until,he hears her soft sobs. His lips stopped moving. His gaze travelled down and his heart dropped when he saw her messed up state.

Something crushed inside him when her sobs got louder,piercing his heart. He feels his throat clogged up.  No word came out of his mouth. Y/n didn't resist when he wrapped his arms around her. She continued to cry in muffled sobs against his chest. 

Nothing was more heart wrenching then her crying like this for Jungkook. He cursed himself for losing his control. He swears he never wanted to hurt her. But all his senses stopped working when she said she can never be his. 

He couldn't bear it. For once in his life his heart craved for someone's presence and seeing the only person going far away for whom his heart desires got him mad but deep inside it hurted him too. 

How can he let her go when he has pictured himself and his life with her?

Sighing he pulled her more closer and buried his face in her neck.

It's impossible for him. 

I swear I'll never write Kissy chissy things again 😭😤  you all are so bad I have to do this just bcz of your pervert souls.  But don't take your hopes high. Be grateful and don't complain.

Now as you have finished reading make me smile by Commenting and voting 😁as of course I deserves something too🥺

And you seriously thought I am gonna publish after two months. Awe my naive little bears 😂sowwwyy for giving heart attacks 😆

Good night 😍and please don't be a silent reader. You just have to cutely tap on vote button 😚

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