#17 In Salon

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Two days later.

"Y/n master is calling you in his bedroom." Yuna informed. Y/n who was talking on phone with someone immediately placed her hand on speaker and signal Yuna that she is coming. On the other side Yuna got confused by her sudden action. Nonetheless shrugged and left the room.

"Who was it?" She gulped as a question appeared from other side for her. 

"Who could it be other than mia. You know she always disturbs me. Actually she was here to inform that Dr Kang is calling me. So I have to go now,will call you again." Before the person on the other side of call could ask anything else y/n hang up. How easily she lied. But she can't say anything about her job to this person. It won't turn out good. 

As soon as she did the girl released a deep breath. She need to be more careful from now on.

She fixed herself,come out of her room before going towards Jungkook's room. In Midway she rolled her eyes.

Don't know what this devil wants now?

But then she remembered what is today.

Gosh,today is the day where she have to attend a party with him acting like his girlfriend. Damn,she is so unlucky.

Hush,how could you do this with me god?

How pitiful I can be and how cruel this devil can be?

Crying internally y/n entered in his room with a neutral face.

"Oh miss y/n you came?"

"Nah it's my soul,you dumb mafia."

"Why am I here?"

"What do you mean by why are you here? You already forget what day is today?"

"Of course not."

"Good for you. Let's go we have so much to do today."

"Right now?"

"Right now!" Jungkook replied firmly as he look up at her, fixing his watch.

Y/n huffed and left the room.


After finishing their lunch jungkook and y/n left for their destination. More like y/n was forced to go wherever jungkook is taking her. Two black Mercedes are following them from behind. They are Jungkook's men who are assigned for his security.

Y/n was looking outside from window, biting her nails aggressively feeling anxiety building up inside.

Jungkook who was focused on driving diverted his attention to her.

"I am not going to murder you so chill down."

Y/n narrowed her eyes at him.

"The anxiety which is growing inside me because of you sitting beside me is enough to kill me. You don't have to do anything. Your presence is enough." Jungkook smirked at her remark.

"So you admit my presence is effective."

"Correction,not effective but a threat. You and your presence both are a major threat to me." Jungkook's eyebrows raised as he chuckled realising how frustrated his caretaker is right now because of him.

"So as I already become a threat for your existence,how will you gonna deal with this, with me?" Jungkook give a side glance as his voice gets lower like they both are on any mission and he wants to know her point of view about dealing with this.

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