#14 Potato

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Next day

When Jungkook came downstairs y/n was waiting for him with a sweet smile on her face which low-key confused her. But he is looking at shin y/n right now,the most weirdest human exist on this planet according to Jeon Jungkook.

"Good morning Mr Jeon." Jungkook ignored her gentle manner and honeyed voice by sitting down on one of the chair before replying in a cold tone.

"Good morning." He tucked the napkin under his collar to avoid drips and drops of food on his expensive clothes.

"Enjoy your breakfast." Y/n politely said as she back away after serving his breakfast in his plate. Jungkook look down at his plate in astonishment where the breakfast was placed beautifully and it was a lot.

His gaze went back to her face. Y/n tilted her head smiling widely looking like a creep.
"Any problem Mr Jeon?"

"Nothing,just curious about the reason behind your this wide smile." Jungkook asked sipping the orange juice.

"Who else it could be other than you Mr Jeon?" His gaze shot back to her and he choked on his drink, spilling it on his suit.

"Oh my!" Y/n hurriedly grab glass of water some tissues first giving water.

"Are you okay Mr Jeon? Oh no your expensive suit." Y/n gasped dramatically . She slightly bend down and starts to wipe his suit with quick movements.

"It's okay miss y/n,I can do by myself."  Just then Jungkook said this y/n immediately backed away and handed him the tissues.

"As you like Mr Jeon." Jungkook just shook his head. This girl is really something.

As Jungkook finished eating he get up from chair and look at the girl standing beside him obediently. And he knows the reason behind her acting like a weirdo.

Jungkook starts to walk away from there but then he remembered he forgot his phone on the table. He turned around to fetch it but startled when he found his caretaker standing in front of him with his mobile phone in her hand.

"You forgot it." Jungkook cleared his throat and grab the mobile phone from his hand. He stare at her few more seconds before walking away quickly. God knows what will happen if he keep standing there with his weird caretaker looking at him with her creepy smile.

As soon as Jung disappeared from her site y/n's smile disappeared just like a ghost disappears in darkness.

"Finally!" She breathed a sigh of relief and pat herself for giving a Oscar worthy acting.

"Just have to prepare his lunch then I'll leave for hospital. I am missing my ronwoo baby so much."

Following her daily routine y/n prepared lunch,sent it to Jungkook's office through driver's help and left for hospital. As soon as she stepped inside hospital she take quick steps towards a particular room.

The slow opening of door caught the people's attention present inside the room. 

"Oh hi!" Y/n greeted with a nervous smile as everyone were present there including Dr Kang.

"Noona" An excited ronwoo said loudly when his doe eyes fall on his favourite person.

"Ronwoo baby." Y/n walked near him and engulfed small ball into her arms who wasted no second and cling into her like a koala. The sight warmed everyone's heart.

"Noona where were you? I missed you so much." Ronwoo expressed his thoughts staring at her with puppy,doe eyes on which y/n awed. She acted like to be thinking something for few seconds then said.

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