Happy duck(Karlnapity)☁️

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(Quackity is a duck hybird meaning that he has some duck parts like duck wings,tail,and feet and also have the same kind of act as a duck to like when he is happy or excited his tail wag kinda like a dog)

Tw: None


The three were on the couch cuddling, they were so happy and calm

especially Quackity, he was the happiest out of the two, due to the abuse he went through with jshlatt he was never really  thought  he would be able to find love until he found Karl and Sapnap .Quackity was in Karls Lap facing Sapnap while sapnap was in Quackitys lap hugging his thigh.

They were sitting on the couch until Karl felt something fluff and small swinging back and forth on the belly. He looked down to see the ducks hybirds duck tail wagging back and forth.

"Awwwwww looks like someones a happy little duckling" Karl teased with a smile

Both of them looked at what Karl was talking about and sapnap looked in awe while Quackity looked like a tomato that is about to blow up in any second.

"Aww no need to be embarrassed about being cute~" Sapnap said with a smirk teasing quackity

By this point quackity was too embarrassed to say anything except "I-Im not c-cute" That was the only thing that he could mumble out of his mouth due to him being too flustered to even speak.

Both of them giggled and continued to cuddle

(Word count: 244)(sorry its short im still trying)

(Have a good day/night) :)

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