Duck act(karlnapity)☁️

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Background[quackity being part duck can also act like a duck sometimes with things as well]

Tw: none

Enjoy :)

Karl was on the couch watching funny videos until he got to a duck chasing a Lazer pointer which caught Karl's attention real fast. Anytime he sees a duck he remembers quackity

"Hey Karl whatcha watching?" Sapnap asked as he sat next to Karl on the couch

"Just looking at funny videos until I got to this duck that's chasing a Lazer pointer and I kinda wanna see if this works on Q ya know because he's half duck" Karl said as he turned to sapnap

Both of the men smirked as they went to go find Q who was in the kitchen 

Karl started by walking up to quackity with a smirk "Hey duckling~" 

Quackity looked at Karl with a skeptical look at Karl's weird action in both his movement and his tone but shrugged it off (kinda off). All of the sudden Sapnap pulled out a Lazer pointer that he just magically had in his pocket and pointed it on the table that quackity was sitting at. Quackity's eyes grew wide as a cats and slammed his hand on the table trying to get the dot. Sapnap and Karl were very surprised that it worked because they thought that it was not gonna worked.

"OH MY GOD IT ACTUALLY WORKED" Karl shouted out of both shocked and excitement sapnap just snickered from how quackity acted. For like the next 10 to 15 minutes they were just having fun with Q just pointing the Lazer pointer everywhere around the house until they were done having fun and turned off the Lazer pointer.

"Ugh what...what happend" Quackity asked while he was on the floor holding his head 

"Oh nothing hun~" Sapnap chuckled while picking quackity up and taking him to the couch. Karl joined them not too long later. Sapnap had quackity in his lap while Karl was hugging him from behind. Sapnap took of quackity's beanie and slipped his hand through his hair gaining a light purr from the duck boi. Both of the fiances giggled as they all soon when to sleep on the couch in each other's arms.

Word count: 363

I really liked this I hope yall like this as well :)

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