Forth of july(Pumpkin duo)☁️

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Happy forth of July here have wholesome from you local gray man

Tw: nothing 


[Jshlatt's POV] (I know I have not done a pov in a while so here ya go)

It's forth of July, one of the best days for cookouts and fireworks, today their was going to be a firework show with food as well, and I wanted to take my fiance Quackity because  it would have been great, but their was one problem with that, I have learned that Quackity is scared of fireworks last night because when someone set off some last night Quackity kept on flinching as crying due to I guess the sound noise and I had to comfort him until he fell asleep with headphones one all night. But I had an idea, and that's to give him the headphones when the fireworks come on. After we got ready we went to the park and got some food and picked a spot to sit and eat, 

Quackity looked up and noticed that it was starting to get dark and turned to Shlatt while saying "Hey its getting a bit dark, should we go?"

"Nope, because we are here for the fireworks" Shlatt said as he saw Quackity's face go from curious to pure fear.

"W-what fireworks? You know I'm scared of them, their to loud..." Quackity said while shaking a bit. Shlatt reached into his bag and pulled out headphones while saying "yes I know so that's why I have this for you.

He put the headphones on Quackity and turned one the music before hearing a countdown and then the first fireworks went off as they looked at them. And to Quackity's surprise he could not hear them but he could see them, they were pretty and nice, Shlatt looked at Quackity who was looking at the fireworks with awe and smiled before looking back at the fireworks himself while he wrapped hid arm around Quackity. They sat their watching the fireworks with each other's love the rest of the night.


Word count :336

(Happy 4th of July yall)

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