Halloween night! (Pumpkin duo)☁️

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Hey....happy Halloween everyone! Sorry I was not posting I had no ideas what to do soo...but I hope you guys enjoy this! And maybe I will make more soon! Enjoy this story and the little doodle that I did up top :]


*no one pov*

Jshlatt looked around outside to see kids going door to door to get candy from them in costumes. Shlatt was just sitting in the living room watching TV until he heard some footsteps running downstairs like an excited little child coming downstairs to open presents on Christmas. Shlatt turned around to see Quackity running downstairs with his Gundham tanaka costume on.

(The costume)

[Ya I made one of my favorite Youtubers into one of my favorite anime/game characters what are you gonna do about it 😒](that and because I wanted to be gundham tanaka but the costume is a bit to much money for my broke self :[ )

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[Ya I made one of my favorite Youtubers into one of my favorite anime/game characters what are you gonna do about it 😒](that and because I wanted to be gundham tanaka but the costume is a bit to much money for my broke self :[ )

"OK I'm ready!" Quackity yelled as he jumped in excitement, 

Shlatt got up and stretched a bit before getting his shoes on. Shlatt looked at Quackity to see that he had four little ducks on his shoulders

"I guess you went all in huh?" Shlatt asked as he chuckled a bit to himself. He chuckled a but more when Quackity nodded his head with happiness and excitement. Now they had their shoes on and was now walking around the neighborhood going to house to house collecting candy. But soon they got to this one home, with a karen in it. Quackity ranged the doorbell and a woman came out with a bowl of candy, she was looking down expecting a kid to be behind the doors, but was surprised to see a 22 year old man in a costume with 4 ducks on him.

"Trick or treat!" Quackity said as he held out his bucket filled with some candy from the other houses. The woman have him a confused and disgusted face expressions

K- "uh...don't you think your a little two old for trick or treating sir?"

Q- "huh?"

K- "well I think that you need to just grow up and be your age instead of trying to be a kid again, what are? Like 19 years old?

Q-"Actually I'm uh...22 years old.."

K-"that's even worse jeez"

As the Karen was being a...well...karen..the ducks just pecked a bit at Quackity gently like they were trying to give him a comforting kiss, while the one ontop of his head just glared at the woman with anger in their eyes. Soon Shlatt came up from behind Quackity as quackity was looking down kinda both sad and embarrassed, the woman looked up at Shlatt as was frozen as Shlatt have the woman intimidating red eyes, soon the woman gave Quackity a handful of candy and quickly slammed the door. The rest of the night was Shlatt and Quackity going around houses gathering candy while laughing and chatting the whole night. When thye got home they ate some of the candy while watching TV. Then they both got ready for bed and fell asleep cuddling up with each other.


Happy Halloween everyone, have some nice candy and a good day/night! (Also here have emy oc as Gundham tanaka:) )

Happy Halloween everyone, have some nice candy and a good day/night! (Also here have emy oc as Gundham tanaka:) )

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Word count: 568

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