You need a break(pumpkin duo)☁️

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Have Quackity working to hard and Jshlatt said "have a break" :)

(Also the drawing is mine up top I hope u like :] )

Moon:hiiiiii it's me again you know what time it isss and no she no longer in the basement now but outside anyway have this

Me: IM FREE!!!

TW: tired I guess


Quackity was in his office working on some papers that Shlatt gave him. There were stacks and stacks of papers on his right side and on his left were just a handful of papers which were ones that he have finished. He put his head down on the dest and gron [I don't think that's how you spell it] he was so stressed out from all the paper work he got to do and in under 5 hours, but even the paper that he did finished that took him like 30 minutes to like an hour just to do like a handful of work with was like 12 papers. And by the looks of it the papers that he not finished was like at least over 70 or 75 papers. He also did not get enough sleep that night because of a nightmare that he had and he was afraid that he was going to have it again so he didn't go back to one have noticed Quackity being all tired and stuff because he would hide it by standing up straight and smiling to everyone. The only person that was not falling for his lies was Shlatt he could tellt when he is lying form his movement and his face. He came into his office to see Quackity on the bridge of sleep and even tears due to all of the stress. 

"Alright get up Q"- S


"You need to take a break, I can tell that you haven't slept in a good amount and you are very stressed"-S

Before Quackity could say anything to protest he yawned proving Shlatt's point. He walked up to Quacktiy and picked him up to take him to his bedroom. Quackity was too tired to try and escape from Shlatt's grasp and just except his faith and let Shlatt do whatever he wanted to do to him. They got to Quackity's bedroom and sat on the bed. Then Shlatt got up from the bed to make Q some lunch because he also looked a bit skinny. He made him a nice chicken sandwich (idk what's with me and chicken related foods for like the past week) and with a nice strawberries smoothie as well. He brought it upstairs to Quacktiy and gave him the stuff. He ate half of the chicken sandwich and drank half of the smoothie. Shlatt was satisfied when he heard a yawn from Quackity while putting his head down on his pillow hugging his little duck plushie that he had on his bed. Shlatt changed his clothes and gave Quackity some clothes to change into. After changing he clime back into the bed with Shlatt spooning him in the back kissing his head. 5 minutes later they were both asleep finally getting a good night rest.


WC: 517

Have a nice day/night with this cringe :]

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