Ignoring the duck(Quackbur)☠️

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Thank you @sourceofangst for the request and I hope you enjoy

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Thank you @sourceofangst for the request and I hope you enjoy.

Tw:Hissing,slapping,panic attack,yelling, bad thoughts 


Quackity was sitting in his office waiting for Wilbur to come and do his daily annoying things, but like the last 4 days he did not come which made Quackity even more confused. Wilbur always came into his office to annoying but lately that was not the case because Wilbur was doing something else, which considered Quackity a bit because he always made time to see Quackity. So he decided to get out of his office to go and confront Wilbur 

Wilbur was walking around las navadas just thinking about random things. That's until he felt someone come up behind him, he turned around to see Quackity tapping him on the shoulder. 

"Hey Wilbur, you ok?, because you've been ignoring me for the past like 5 days" Quackity asked.

Wilbur just rolled his eyes and walked away before Quackity could say anything else.

'That's weird, well I guess he's just having a bad day, he should lighten up a bit after a while' Quackity thought as he walked back Into his office. The next day Quackity left his office again to look for Wilbur again. After like 3 minutes he found Wilbur again carrying a box filled with burgers and papers.

"Hey wil-" Quackity got cut off by Wilbur 

"Quackity leave me alone, your starting to annoy me" Wilbur was about to walk away Quackity pulled him towards him while starting to get a bit mad making his voice go a bit higher.

"What is wrong with you! You've been ignoring me and acting like I'm just a cucaracha!" Quackity yelled Which made Wilbur mad and turn around putting the box down.

"WELL MAYBE BECAUSE YOU WON'T GET OFF MY BACK WHILE IM TRYING TO WORK ALONE!!" He yelled which shocked Quackity a tiny bit before clapping back.



Quackity fell on the floor holding his face as he started to cry, Wilbur just slapped him so hard that it left a red mark on his face. Wilbur just scoffedand left. This cause Quackity to start having a panic attack. He tried to stand up to get back to his office but fell down. He started to rock himself to try and calm down as there was no one else to help him. He started hearing bad thoughts with mean words like.

'Your an idiot'

'What a whore'

'Such a baby'

'Your parents never liked you in the first place, that's why they dropped you off and never visited'

'He had a reason for that, you deserved that you hoe'

And much more horrible things that was not true. Quackity finally got up trying to run away from the voices. He ran and ran until he fell I into the bushes Infront of his office building sobbing and sobbing. He was breathing so hard trying to catch his breath from his panic attack. That was until he saw a dark figure coming towards him. This activated his duck defense mode. He started to hiss but it was very short because of the sobbing.

"Hey hey its ok, its just me" Wilbur said as he revealed himself from the shadows. Quackity was about to go to him until he remembered what he did earlier and hid in the bushes shaking and still sobbing. Wilbur crouched down infront of the bushes and held out his hands trying to get Quackity's trust.

"Hey hey, it's ok I'm sorry, I'm not rushing and I'm just trying to help you duckling, please let me" Wilbur pleaded with his hand still out for Quacktiy. It took some time maybe like 1 hour before he popped out his head out of the bushes, his eyes are all puffy, amd he had some tears still rolling down his check. He slowly crawled to Wilbur, very slowly. He got close enough to where he could smell his scent. Wilbur opened some space in his lap I'm order to give Quackity an invitation to his lap for comfort which he hesitantly crawled into his lap. Wilbur hugged him and started to rub his back.

"Shh... it's ok, I'm so sorry for what I did I was just so stressed out with the burger job and all what not. But I promise that I'll be more calming to you, I'm so sorry once again" Wilbur said while still rubbing his back. He looked down to see that Quackity was asleep. He smiled and got up, picking up him and bringing him to his house where he laid him down on his bed and kissed his forehead while cuddling up to him. Before he fell asleep he whispered to Quacktiy.

"I love you duckling" to which he got a surprise reply from Q saying "I love you to" before heading back to sleep. Wilbur smiled before heading off to sleep as well.


Well that took awhile but I'm don't now and I hope you guys especially @sourceofangst, but anyways have a good night/day

Word count:873

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