Hidden garden(Quackbur)☁️

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Tw: nothing(im pretty sure)

Also art from sati from Twitter:)


Quackity was in need for a break after all the work that he have been doing for the past weeks. All the work,all the gambling,all the meetings, and many more things making him too stress. As he was working on papers making himself have a head ace he remembered something that he had back to when he was with shlatt( I don't think I spelled that right sorry). He planned to go their as soon as it's the weekend where he did not need to work. Soon the weekend came and Uqackity was really excited that he was allowed to go to his little hidden place that only he knows.v

"Alright Sam I'm about to head out to visit George make ,sure that everythings ok alright?" Quackity yelled to Sam from the bottom of the needle. Sam gave a thumbs up to show that he heard him and Quackity smiled from excitement as he also skipped out of the door but keeped his excitement in as to not look suspicious. Quackity was going into the forest to get to his secret place really excited to finally let free with nothing to give him anxiety or stress or anything that makes him want to curle up into a ball and cry until he is forgotten by everyone. He was lost in thought thinking about what he was going to do when he got their until he realized that he made it. 

A nice place with a nice little cottagecore shed big enough to be called a house in a middle of a flower field with a farm in the back.

Quackity couldn't help but smile and fall back first into the flowers making a snow angle motion in it giggling. He got up soon and walked into the shed like house and it was pretty clean. He sat down on the couch (don't worry he cleaned up first) and just looked out of the window with a smile until he noticed something moving in the flowers. He got up and walked to where the moving was with a sword behind him just incase. When he got closer he saw that they are just little ducks that followed him. 

"Oh hello their little ones how are you?" Quackity asked while picking up the little ducklings. The ducklings started chirping at him.

"Oh you have more friends?" Quackity asked the duckling to which the duckling started chirping again so Quacktiy when into the forest to see a bunch more animals like dogs, cats, birds, fishs, deers, squirrels, and rabbits. Quackity sat down in the middle of all of them and a few of them came to Quacktiy sniffing his which made him smile. Later on he was about to go back to the shed and the animals were following him which he did not mind their was a farm in the back anyways. When they got back they realized that the lights were on and Quackity grew suspicious because he knew for a FACT that he turn off the lights before he left. He told the animals to stay cautious and some of them went infront of everyone else went behind Quackity. They reached the house to find no other then.........

"WILBUR WHAT ARE YOU DOUNG HERE!?!?" Quackity shouted surprised which made Wilbur turn around.

"Oh Quackity I didn't know these stuff belong to you they are very pretty" Wilbur stated which made Quackity blush a bit. Wilbur was about to ask him what is this place until he noticed two things.

First was the animals behind him and the second thing was what he was wearing.

First was the animals behind him and the second thing was what he was wearing

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Wilbur turned red and Quackity noticed it but did not say anything.

"What is this place?" Wilbur asked still a bit flustered. 

Quackity just kinda ignored it and walked outside because it was almost dark so it was time. Without thinking Quackity grabbed Wilbur's hand and ran out of the shed where the other animals were. 

"What are yo-" Wilbur was cut off by a finger on his lips and a little 'look' as Quackity pointed at the field being filled by fireflies flying everywhere. Wilbur was in awe till he left a head on his shoulder that was Quackity's making him smile. The Two enjoyed each other's time with the fireflies flying everywhere in the sky, the animals resting near them, the nice breeze, everything was nice.

Quackity couldn't help but smile at the time that he was having away from all the stress and work and has some time to just relax  and fall asleep peaceful with no worries.

"Wow this is pretty duckl-" before Wilbur could finish what he was about to say he heard little soft purrs coming from Quackity so he smiled and wrapped his arms around him watching the fireflies with a smile.


(I hope yall live this because I feel liketm this is both bad but good and please give me ideas because my brain is starting to go blank with ideas HELP!!!!)

Word count: 853

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