The duck just needed a hug(loud duo)☠️

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[Art is by @juliacantdraw from Twitter because I could never take credit for nice art like this 😅]

(Also to let yall know this is not a ship these two you can if you want but this is not going to be a ship this us just dream wanting to stop being tortured by Quackity so he had a plane because he knew his pain)[anyways enjoy the cringe]

TW: Axes,blood,crying duck,


It was that time again, that time when the good old duck hybrid named Quackity go and try his best to get a book from a green blob named dream that can revive people from the dead because he lost a bet with a drunk goat man named Jshlatt. Quackity was on his way to the prison and after welcoming Sam at the entrance and stepped on the lift that took him the prison cell where dream was. The lava lifted up and their lied the green man on the floor looking down just wanting the torture to end.

"Well,well,well look who's back~" Quackity teased as he pulled out he axe with a smirk on his face. Dream sighed wondering why the nice,funny,and positive Quackity is not trying to kill him for a book. Just then an idea just xame into his head. He knows that people become like this because of stress and betrayal, i mean look at what happen to him now in jail because of some discs. He snapped out of his lost in thought when he heard Quackity speak again.

"He have another chance Dream, give the book, or get the hook" he said while pointing the axe towards dreams face. 

Quackityonce again spoke "I know it's not a hook I just wanted to find something to rhythm with it" which made dream chuckle a little with made Quackity made and swing at Dream cause a scar to come from his chin and before anything blood started coming out of his chin. Dream stood up and decided that it was time to end all of his pain with the axe treatment from Quackity.



D-"stop acting"

Q-"acting what?"

As he asked Dream took him by surprise with a hug. Quackity took thus a surprise but wanted it to end. 

"LET GO OF ME YA DUSTY GREEN B*TCH!!!" Quackity yelled as he tried to push Dream away but, sadly dream was way stronger then the duck so he could not. Dream did not let go, he did not want to stop so he hugged a bit tighter(did I spell that right?)  

"It's ok Quackity, you can stop acting all tough now, your safe" Dream said with a calm voice.

He then noticed the smaller breathing starting to pick up speed and he also stopped struggling to get out of his grasp. Just then before Dream could say anything he felt a tear on his shoulder, as well a hearing the smaller cry.

"There,There it's ok I know I know it hurts" he said patting Quackity's back.

Q-"I-im sorry f-for torturing y-you" 

D-"hey hey its ok your forgiven"

[1 hour later]

Sam was getting worried because he heard nothing from the prison for an hour now so he went to the prison and he saw a sight that he never thought he would ever saw. Quackity was asleep in Dreams lap with tear stains on his cheek like he was crying while Dream was singing a what seems like a lullaby time hin.

"What happened here?" Sam asked pretty concerned 

To which dream replied "The duck just needed a hug" while hugging the duck a bit tighter.

[Word count: 586]

(You can tell I got a bit lazy at the end so I hope yall enjoy and I don't really have a rabbit clue of a idea so if ya eant you can give me some :])

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