How it started(Quackbur)☠️☁️

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Thank you @Quackburchild_Lily for the idea i really like it, anyways enjoy this cringe :D

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Thank you @Quackburchild_Lily for the idea i really like it, anyways enjoy this cringe :D.

Tw: scared/stress duck boy, Hissing, 


(Wilbur soot POV)

I walked into the high school until I saw my little gremlin brother named Tommy looking all excited for some reason.

"Hey Wil did ya hear the news?!" He said with a smile. I shook my head no with a confused look on my face. Tommy then told me that their was a new student in out school who did not grow up around here like us. I fact he came from Mexico so he does not know that much about America. I walked into school to see alot of people gathering around one of Wilbur's good friends  Jshlatt. As I got closer to see why I heard people questioning about the new student because apparently they were super close also like they are dating even. I just heard people asking weird questions like "what's his name?" "are you guys dating?" "Why does he kinda look weird and awkward?" And other weird normal and sometimes rude questions. Shlatt saw me and yelled at everyone to leave him and the new kid alone as he walked towards us. 

"Hey Wil I wantchu to meet my ummmm..." Shlatt looked at the new boy, whispered something, and gained a nod from him before turning back to us with a bit of a smile before saying "I want you guys to meet my boyfriend Quackity" he finished. Mine and Tommy's jaw dropped. JSHLATT!?!??!?! BEING GAY AND HAVING A BOYFRIEND!?!?!?!?!??!!? I mean he did not act gay I Mena he hung around girls all the time and even flirt with them sometime FOR GOD SAKES HES ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM!!!. I turned my head towards the new kid who I'm guessing is named Quackity and he looked a bit scared and shy as he was hugging shlatts arm a bit looking down like he was guilty of something. Shlatt noticed this a said.

"Sorry he's just a bit shy after his last school" he turned to Quacktiy "it's ok their not like those bullies I promise" which made him smile a bit. We started to hangout with Quackity and Shlatt and I didn't really get to know Quackity because he was a little quiet and shy still even thought we tried to make him feel welcomed into out friendship. One day I was walking around the school just to see what can I do during my free time till I heard a faint sound that sounded like crying. It was coming from the music room that no one uses anymore which idk why. I opened the door to see Quackity in the corner crying hi eyes out.

"Quackity?" I said in a calm mood while walking up to him. 

This made him panic and cry more while backing up more into the corner.

I walked up to him really slowly trying to not scare him more and more. Once I got close enough to him I tried to calm him down by trying to hug him and tell him that everything is OK. It kinda worked but he was still crying. 

"Why were you crying Quackity?" I asked still hugging him.

"I-im sorry I-I came in-in your life and r-ruined it!" He said curling up into a ball more. I tried to calm him down more and more until I accidentally made him fall asleep which I rather have then him crying.

[Time skip all the way to Las navadas](BTW this is no one's pov now)

Wilbur walked up to Quackity's office with a surprise behind his back for said duck man. But when he opened the door to the office he only saw an empty office with muffled cries in it. Wilbur walked towards the desk where the cries were coming from and just to find Quackity crying holding his head basically gripping on his beanie that was about to fall onto the ground. When Wilbur tried to come close to him this made Quackity very scared making him hiss at him making Wilbur flinch a little but did everything just to comfort Quackity. He kinda struggled a bit due to Q Hissing and trying to bite and scratch him with failed. Wilbur then went in for the kill and hugged him with made him start to sob while hugging back. After a while Quackity was feeling better but still was crying a bit.

"What's wrong duckling?" Wilbur asked 

Quackity response with tears in his eyes again "I'm tired Wilbur tired of both work abd life, I hate myself and what I have done and what I have created" which shocked Wilbur a bit

"Ya'know I wanted to tell you something that might make you feel better" Wilbur said while reaching for the surprise he had and he pulled out flowers, some chocolate, and a duck plushie. This shocked Quackity alot and Wilbur said something that shocked him even more.

"Quackity would you you be my boyfriend" he asked. Quackity just stared at him in shock. Wilbur thought that he was going to say no but was really surprised when Quackity just jumped up a kissed him with tears in his eyes. After that they were dating each other now and they lived together with a smile on their faces.

(Word count: 898)

(It's late at night but I wanted to finish this so please enjoy and have a nice night/day :)

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