Duck act.2(Quackbur)☁️

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@Moonieghost-Hi yes its me the one who cough cough may or may not have strangeld the athuor one timethe picture above is meh IM GOING TO COMMIT ARSON AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME EHEHEHEHEHEHEH*COUGH*COUGH* oops sorry anyway I hand it back to the athuor 

SunnyT-help me she's crazy and she's kidnapped me and is keeping me hostage in her basement 


SunnyT-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH also please enjoy this oneshot of quackity acting like a duck again AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......

TW: none (idk please let me know if I missed something)



No one's POV:

Wilbur was bored and when he's bored ya wanna know what he do?. Yep your right he annoying the living hell out of Quackity, he does that almost every time he's bored.  Wilbur was on his way to Quackity's beloved country Las navadas and on his way he stumbled along a lake with a few ducks in the water swimming around enjoying each other's company. Wilbur looked at the ducks for awhile and learned some new things about ducks that he never knew of. Like for example when he walked up to one it walked up to his feet and looked at him like he wanted to pet him. So that's what he did he bent down and pet the ducks head and the duck looked like he loved it and that he never wanted Wilbur to never stop petting him which surprised Wilbur. What he also learned is that they can get easily distracted by shiny things since the ducks were following the chain that was attached to his pants. 

This gave Wilbur an idea on what to do when he gets to Las navadas to annoy Quackity even more. When he got their he stepped into the elevator with everything that he needed to annoy Quackity with and stepped out of the elevator when it got to the top and opened the door. Wilbur got to the duck man's office and swung the door open with the bag of the stuff he needed in his right hand with a huge grin on his face. Quackity was in his office working on like weeks worth of work until Wilbur interrupted him when he walked into his office. He looked up and frowned at the tall man at the doorway

"Get out of my office Wilbur..." Quackity sighed out while going back to work on the papers on his desk 

Wilbur just rolled hus eyes and stepped closer to Quackity's desk which really ticked off Q


Quackity was stopped by a bright little light of a Lazer pointer 

(Also if you're wondering if ducks act like cars when seeing a Lazer pointer here is a video of it) (

Wilbur looked at Quackity wondering if it did not worked he just looked like an idiot but his wonders were proven when Quackitys eyes grew like a cats and immediately slammed his two hands on the desk trying to catch the green dot just like a cat. Wilbur was excited that it worked meaning that if this worked then maybe everything else might work as well. He watched as Quackity chased the Lazer pointer everywhere around his office from the walls to the couch to even the ceiling by flying up there. After Wilbur got a bit bored with the Lazer pointer thing he turned off the Lazer pointer making Quackity snap back to normal and as soon as he realized what happened he looked at Wilbur with a angry but, before he could say anything Wilbur pulled out a squeaking toy out of the bag waving it side to side infront of Q.

"Wilbut what are yo-" Quackity was cut off by Wilbur talking in the same voice that you will talk to your pet like.

"Ducky you want the ball, does ducky want the ball, you want it, you want it?" 

Wilbur teased as he waved the ball back and forth again. Before Quackity could say anything Wilbur threw the ball at the end of his office and like the Lazer pointer his eyes grew big again and ran to the ball. Quackity caught the ball like a dog and ran back to Wilbur and sitting down like a dog wagging his duck tail waiting for him to throw it again. They have been doing this for like a good 7 or 8 minutes before he got a bit tired of the ball gag as well and decided that it's time for him and his duckling to go to sleep. He picked up Quackity putting him on his lap, taking off his beanie revealing little golden wings behind his ears. He started to pet the ducks head trying to get him to go to sleep which worked because Quackity fell asleep in Wilbur's arm with a soft purr Wilbur fell asleep not to long later with a satisfied smile on his face.

Word count: 821

I hope yall have a nice day/night


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