Incorrect quotes (all of the ships)☁️

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*lights goes out*

Sapnap: Karl! Quackity! I can't see anything 

Quackity: I gotcha *he gets up and shakes his wings until they start to glow* 

Karl: well I guess we gonna start calling you out little glowing duck

Quackity: if you do ill leave you in the dark

Karl: ok


Karl: *outside having a BBQ with friends* what a nice day 

Sapnap: *runs outside and shuts the screen door behind him*

Karl: what are you running from?

Sapnap: I accidentally made Quackity mad by blasting the whip cream at him, but I should be safe for now.

Karl: but you just shut the screen door

Sapnap: well you know how birds can not see glass, likes its invisible to their eyes

Quackity: *Runs into the glass then starts banging on the glass*

Karl: ah


Sapnap: hey Karl ya wanna know something

Karl: ya sure what is it?

Sapnap: well ducks get things called mites out of nowhere, they can lucky not get on humans

Karl: cool, but why are you telling me this out of nowhere?

Sapnap: that's why *points at Quackity*

Quackity: *nibbling on his wings*


Sapnap: Alright, it's time for a road trip 

Karl: to where?

Quackity: he said somewhere real fun, and I'm excited!

*they all get to the place*

Quackity: *looks up and sees his doctor place* betrayal 


Karl: imma go to the store yall want anything 

Sapnap: mountain dew and some chips

Karl: ok got it, and for you Quackity?

Quackity: for you to stay

Karl: I'll be back, hangout with Sapnap while I'm gone *leaves*

*10 minutes later*

Karl: *he was on his way back until he got a text from Sapnap showing Quackity looking out the window waiting for him which made him laugh*


Quackity: I am a manly man, the most toughest out of everyone!

Karl: so your a manly man

Quackity: yep! And I never cry!

Sapnap: didn't you cry at a video game where the characters friends dog was dying 

Karl: and also don't you want to sleep with stuff animal and literally lock the door everytime you have a nap so you can sleep in your duck onesies with your plushies?

Quackity: ...... we never speak of those ever again


🎃pumpkin duo🎃

Quackity: What do you call it when you telling a duckling a story 

Jshlatt: ducktales

Quackity: aw...I wanted to say it :(

Jshlatt: *feels a bit bad* ok then tell me another 

Quackity: What is a ducks favorite ballet?

Jshlatt: *already knows the answer* what


Jshlatt: haha nice


Jshlatt: Hey Quackity have you see-

Quackity: *Is asleep on Shlatts sweater*

Jshlatt: I guess I can wait for a little bit


Quackity: *watching cartoons*

Jshlatt: Oh you in your little space Q?

Quackity: no?

Jshlatt: Oh, ya sure?

Quackity: yes! Can't a guy watch cartoons in peace on a nice Tuesday!


Jshlatt: So you love me so much that you will do anything for me right?

Quackity: Yep!

Jshlatt: Then take care of yourself, eat right, and stop all your bad thoughts

Quackity: ... ummmmmmmmmmmm

Jshlatt: GO TO BED!

Quackity: Love you bye! *leaves*

Jshlatt: Oh my god...


Quackity: I can be trusted with money

Jshlatt: So you wanna explain all of the plushies and games that you have 

Quackity: they all have a purpose 

Jshlatt: you don't even use the other ones

Quackity: they looked left out :(



Wilbur: *sees a thing flying at Quackity* Oh my god! Quackity! Duck!

Quackity: *turns around* where! OW! 

Wilbur: Not the animal, the motion!

Quackity: now you tell me!


Quackity : Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside

Wilbur: Quackity, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are or the front lawn...

Quackity : *Sips coffee from bowl*


Wilbur: *eating* hm *throws fries on the ground for birds*

Quackity: *starts eating the fries*

Wilbur: ah there you are duckling 


Wilbur: *petting Quackity, then stops* well you probably don't want me to continue *about to leave 

Quackity: *grabs Wilburs hand and puts his hand on his head*

Wilbur: aww, someone has a soft spot for big ol me

Quackity: just shut up and never stop

Wilbur: OK


Wilbur: Alright now we can feed the ducks

Y/N: Why do you have two bags of duck food?


Quackity: Ya?

Wilbur: here you go *gives him the other bag*

Quackity: Thank you *starts eating the duck food*

Y/N: Ah ok now I get it


I have finally finished, and imma go and try to get more ideas and have a nice day/night

Word count: 685

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