Man child pt3 (pumpkin duo)☁️

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I kinda love man child Quackity so ya...


Today was a bit of a off day for Quacktiy. He was a bit more grumpy out of the blue. Ok well maybe because he stubbed his toe while getting out of the bed and got a hole into one of his favorite shirts, and also ran out of toothpaste and burned one of his pancakes. Now he was in the house working on his paper work that Shlatt gave him for home while he was upstairs looking through the town that he now owns. He then turned around to see a pretty ticked off Quackity standing at the doorway.

"I thought you were doing work Mr Shlatt?" Quackity asked sounding a bit mad because of it.

Shlatt turned around to face him "Well I just went to go and look over everything and make sure that everythings ok" he said which made Quackity scoff a bit

"Well maybe you should watch your work and not let people take all of the work jerk!." Quackity started to yell a bit which kinda confused Shlatt a bit

Shlatt chuckled a bit before saying "Jesus I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"

"Ya you and your lazy self" Quackity said while crossing his arm and pouting a bit.

Shlatt looked att he time which was 12:37 which means lunch time amd since Quackity seems to be a bit grumpy like a toddler having a temper tantrum he had a plan for him later on.

"Well how about we go and get some lunch" Shlatt suggested which kinda made Quackity a bit made but he had to admit he was hungry because he did not really ate his pancake after it got burnt so he accepted. 

They ordered food but of course they kinda messed up Quackity's order but lucky it was still something that he will eat but he still got mad. They finished eating and Quackity was about to storm back to his work until Shlatt stopped he and picked hum up and brought him to his room. He then sat down the now angry Quackity on the bed and then sat down with him. Quackity was yelling at him to let him go and go back to his work but, Shlatt didn't listen and cuddled up with him which now also confused him.

"What the hell are you doing!!?" Quackity yelled at Shlatt pretty angry 

Finally Shlatt explains "you seem grumpy so it's time for a nap" 

"A NAP!? I DONT NEED A NAP! THATS FOR BABYS!" Quackity yelled as Shlatt pulled him close and started to cuddle him up making him sleepy. 

Like 5 minutes later of Quackity kept on saying he does not need a nap, he started to close his eyes and said in a really tired voice.

"For the last time Shlatt... i... don't need... a.."

And just like that Quackity fell asleep in Shlatt's arms making Shlatt smile before laying him down on the bed with his duck plush 

(Little quick head cannon Quackity always sleep while cuddling something so he can at least feel safe and love so that's why everytime you see him sleeping he is either cuddling someone or something so ya back to it)

He then left to go and finish the work that Quackity was doing so he won't have to worry about it.

*2 and a half hours later and now it's like 4:30*

Shlatt was watching TV until he heard something coming down stairs pretty slowly. He turned around to see Quackity rubbing his eyes while holding his duck plushie. He sat down next to Shlatt and layed his head while yawning. Shlatt smile tasting Quackity finally calming down as he payed attention back to the screen as he wrapped his arms around Quackity watching TV with him now.


I am gonna go on a trip next week so there might be no one shot part next week idk imma be back next Friday sooooo.... ya imma miss yall but I hope yall enjoy this shot for now. Love yall all and have a good day/night

Word count: 670

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