Happy birthday Quackity(Tnt duo)☁️

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Hello everyone its the ducks birthday :)


Quackity was just sitting in his office just working on some paperwork being all tired like all the time, but it's something cool today. It's Quackity's birthday! But another thing is that Quackity has not celebrated his birthday in a while to where he full on forgot about it. Well good thing Wilbur had Quackity's birthday written down on a calendar he found in his drawers one day.

"Hm?...oh...it's a old calendar....wonders what in it?" Wilbur muttered to himself as he flipped through the calendar. Soon he got to December 28 where it said "Big Q's b-day :" written on it.

"Whoa...wait...that's today!" Wilbur said in a shocked tone as he quickly got up and rushed out of his house and went to the store. 

He grabbed a box of chocolate and a bear plushie, bought the items, and wrapped them up into a gift and signed it with his name. After he finished that Wilbur started to walk towards Las Navadas with the gift in his hand and went to the bakery and grabbed a cake as well. Soon Wilbur reached Quackity's office and knocked on the door. Soon Quackity answered all tired and stuff. He looked up at Wilbur annoyed and tired.

"Ugh...what do you want Wilbur?" Quackity said as he yawned.

Wilbur gave Quackity the gifts with a smile

"Happy birthday Q! I hope you didn't forget" Wilbur cheered as he shows Quackity the calendar showing it was Quackity's birthday.

"Oh right...I must have forgot...uh....whatever...." Quackity looked at the gift Wilbur has gave him before speaking again.

"Fine fine come in you rotten man" As he lead Wilbur into his office and closed the door behind them. 

Quackity opened the gift and place the teddy bear on the couch next to his desk as he ate one of the chocolates that was in the box. Wilbur Soon grabbed a candle and a lighter, he put the candle on the cake and lit it up. Wilbur then started to clap as he started to sing.

"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday mister Quackity! Happy birthday to you! Now blow out the candle Q" so that's what Quackity did. He blew out the candle and cut a slice of cake. 

That time Wilbur and Quackity was eating cake and talking and enjoying Quackity's birthday. Soon the day ended and Quackity hesitantly let Wilbur stay over so he won't walk so far back to his house. So Wilbur stayed over and slept in the spare bed Quackity had. In the of the night Wilbur got up and went to go get some water, but as he was walking he heard a soft purr coming from Quackity's room. Wilbur cracked the door open to see the purring coming from Quackity, as he was snuggled into the sheets with the teddy bear that Wilbur gave him in his arm and he even had a small smile on his face.

Wilbur smiled "awww so cute....don't want to wake him up" Wilbur whispered to himself as he closed the door and went to go get his water. Soon Wilbur went back to sleep with a satisfied smile on his face knowing he probably made Quackity's day for his birthday.


Hope yall had a great day and have fun and be kind see ya!


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