Father's day (Pumpkin duo)☁️

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(Happy Father's day, have something, also yes I'm still alive)


"Shlatt!" Quackity yelled at Shlatt trying to get his attention

"Ya what's up?" Shlatt yelled back as he came downstairs to see what Quackity wanted, when he got downstairs he was meet with Quackity infront of the table that was all set up like their was a date about to happen and Jshlatt's favorite foods

Shlatt was stunned of what happened but he just smiled and Quackity who smiled back at him, they sat down looking at each other with live as they ate.

After they finished Quackity told him that he had another surprise for him, after he got the surprise for him he gave it to him, when he opened it their was a wine bottle and along with a tie, Shlatt smiled and kissed Quackity which made him giggle. The rest of the night was perfect, just them watching a movie with hugs and kisses until they both got tired so they went to bed cuddling each other.


Word count: 167

Happy Father's day yall :)

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