Out alone(Quackity)☠️☁️

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Here is part three of the other two things enjoy and Idk if it's sad or not but still enjoy

Tw: crying, stealing, (im pretty sure that's it but tell me if I missed on)

Other then that enjoy this finished part of his childhood story


With strange looking people.............

Quackity was kinda shocked to see normal humans talking to people that had horns,taild,wings, and other alien/animals features and someone had a extra pairs of arms ot legs or maybe even eyes. He was shocked, he always thought that these kinds of people with regular humans because that's what people in his old house and in the lab made him think. He jumped out of the bushes to look around but he was still a bit scared because he thought that people still hate him and want to hurt him so he hugged the duck plushie tight towards his chest as he started walking around looking for a new place to stay. He was not gonna ask someone for help of if he could live with hem because of him thinking that everyone will just reject his request so he was kept on walking around until he found a pond next to these town houses. He walked to the pond hoping that there will be duck that he can make friend with there. In the pond we're the ducks from the lab. He ran over to them and they were happy for a while, they all played, tell stories about the lab, and over all having a great time together until Night fell and that mean that he needed to find a place to sleep. He decided on either a a cardboard box that he found a couple blocks to thr left or sleep near the pond where no one will find him probably. So he went for the pond idea and curled up into the bushes while the other ducks sat around him trying to protect him. Thr thing is that they were always quite protective of Quackity when he first got there because of him being the only one that could actually speak to them meaning that he would help them which he did. Now it was night and the ducks were surrounding Quackity as they were trying to protect him and also sleeping themselves. It was 3 years he 11 now. Quackity woke up SUPER HUNGRY like always so he looked around for food he could eat. After looking around for what felt like a good hour he found a fair looking place where there was hybrids/alien looking people in tents that had tables filled with food, clothes. Jewelry, and maymore things that you could imagine. Quackity was very excited for what he could get but he knew that it could cost him some money which is something that he does not  have or have any idea how to get any so he had only one choice that he did not like but he kinda had to unless he wanted to starve and what was that you may ask?. It was to steal something. There was some guy with silver dyed hair with bat wings on his ears and some on his back too. He was selling hotdogs with some lemonade in a couple of cups. While the man was looking away to get more lemons from the bottom of the table Quackity took his chance to take a hotdogs from thr table but unfortunately he was caught by thr guy as he was cleaning up the table. The bat man (hehe 'I'm batman') screamed at Quackity which of course made Quackity panic as he did bot know what to but run so that's ehat he did he ran as fast as he can but the bat guy did not let him slide so he hid in a cave watching the batman leave giving up while stopping away because he was mad. Watching him stop away made Quackity start having bad thoughts which mean he started to cry a lot. All of a sudden some green guy with a gas mask came infront of him. "Are you ok little one?" The green guy asked but Quackity was to scared to say anything so he backed up Into the rocks more as he cried more while shaking a lot now. 

"Hey hey it'd ok I'm not gonna hurt you, come ill help you little one" the guy held out his hand to the. Quackity obeyed Scared of getting hit for not obeying. They were walking to his house while he said that his name was Sam and asked Quackity about his parents which Quackity told him in tears how they hated him and sold him to a lab which he escape from a few years ago which broke Sam's heart hearing what he's hearing. So he told Quackity that he will take care of him and give him a good life with everything that he need. This kinda lighten Quackity a bit. They got into his now new home where he was meet with a boy with brown fluffy hair and a blue shirt sitting next to a little girl with long brown hair and pink sweater with roses on it as well on her head as a flower crown. 

"George, Hannah, I would love for you to meet you nee brother Quackity" Sam said to the kids as they both waved at him with a smile.

"DAD GUESS WHAT, GEROGE AND I ARE MAKING A NICE HOT PIZZA AND ITS ALMOST READY" Hannah yelled with excitement, she then turned to Quacktiy with a smile while asking "have you every had pizza!?"

"N-no?" Quackity responded with made Hannah gasp and scream.

"YOU NEVER HAD PIZZA!?!?! THATS A SIN" which made Quackity flinch a lot and hug Sam's leg while shaking about to cry. Sam comfort Quackity before he cried and told both George and Hannah to nit really yell around Quackity because it will scare him early. Just ase he finished that rule the oven ding meaning that the pizza was ready. They all sat down at thr table as Sam cut all of the slices of the pizza and put them on plates to give thme to everyone. Right before everyone could take a bite Quackity ask Sam.

"May I have a bite please, I p-promise that I will only take a bite" 

"Oh of course you can take the whole slice and have more if you want since they made to much, ya know you don't really have to ask for any food now" Sam said with a smile which made Quackity smile before taking a bite into the pizza. He was so surprised it was so good. He ate the whole pizza as everyone chuckled at his action. Now Quackity was happy that he finally have a nice stable family with no punishments for some stupid reason. He was free. He was loved. 

He was.....himself 


Word count: 1131

I have finally finished that last part of this story and now back to other stupid one shots so yes also thank you for all of the support and love you all and have a nice day

(Happy pride month I might be doing a oneshot on that)

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